Academic Master


Using the Scientific Method to Guide Learning: An Integrated Approach to Early Childhood Curriculum,” by Hope K. Gerde, Rachel E. Schachter, and Barbara A. Wasik

The article “Using the Scientific Method to Guide Learning: An Integrated Approach to Early Childhood Curriculum” was written by Hope K. Gerde, Rachel E. Schachter, and Barbara A. Wasik. The main purpose of the paper is to discuss the curriculum of early childhood development. Early childhood programs are so important for children because they enable them to compete well in their later grades.

In this article, the writers emphasized the early childhood programs specifically designed to prepare children for scientific studies. Many studies and researchers have shown that early childhood programs organize children for science subjects in a brilliant, efficient, and effective manner. The article’s authors discussed various important factors especially the importance of science subjects. Young children need these programs to build their interest in science. However, many factors hinder that, including the lack of school resources at the childhood level. High-quality science education can improve and develop students’ interests in science subjects.

The study results showed that scientific methods could train young children in the methods and techniques of science subjects. The scientific techniques allow the children to learn about the science topics and tools to explore these issues. The questioning method and observation methods provide a way to explore the other subjects as well using these methods. The scientific techniques enhance and increase young children’s abilities to use language and literacy skills appropriately and efficiently. The article provides in-depth details about these techniques and how teachers can use them for children in the classrooms. The study results showed that the scientific method gives a unique way for teachers to explore and assess the science subjects for their students.


Gerde, H. K., Schachter, R. E., & Wasik, B. A. (2013). Using the Scientific Method to Guide Learning: An Integrated Approach to Early Childhood Curriculum. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41, 315–323. DOI 10.1007/s10643-013-0579-4



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