Academic Master


Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

Literature Analysis

The magic of Christmas comes from the innocent wonder of the children; their belief in an old man that has a flying sleigh and leaves gifts for everyone makes this occasion complete. However, when these children start to grow up, they stop believing in Santa and even start telling other children that he does not exist. This was the case for eight-year-old Virginia O’Hanlon, who wrote to the New York’s Sun’s editor; Francis Pharcellus Church, asking him if Santa was real as her friends said otherwise. This editorial became the most reprinted editorial in history as it was translated into many languages and became part of storybooks, movies and other print media.

There is no clear indication if this letter is of secular or Christian view, however, the 1800s saw the revival of Christianity which led to the celebration of Christmas to spread hope in the time of war. So it can be assumed that it has a Christian view (Fischer, 2010). The letter written by Virginia showed concern, stating that her friends no longer believe in Santa Claus. In response, the editorial confirmed that Santa Claus, indeed, existed. The editor explained to her that sometimes people become skeptics as they grew older and stop believing in the things that they could not see (Church, 1897). The editorial is written with enthusiasm that captures a child-like wonder; painting the picture of Christmas magic. The editor wrote that Santa Claus existed as on this day everyone became generous and donated to the needy that was due to the spirit of Christmas which is Santa Claus. This editorial is a light-hearted conversation between a child that wants to prove that Santa Claus exists and a person who wants to help that child. This is one of the most heartwarming exchanges recorded between a child and a grown; as such it truly captures the spirit of Christmas.


Church, F. P. (1897, September 21). “Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus” | Newseum.

Fischer, C. S. (2010, March 26). Was early America a Christian America? SSRC The Immanent Frame.



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