Academic Master


WWII Propaganda Posters

The World War II era was revolutionary for all over the world and there were many aims of different societies which changed the life of the people. The illustrations as well as pictorial presentation of ideas were highly considered and remembered by the future generations in which some of the posters are analyzed here.

One of the poster was presenting the idea of women to get out of their homes and to work in the offices and factories as the men. A number of agencies were operating in women’s counselling and this poster is an advertisement for women to get an advice for enrolling in the professional career. There were posters which were depicting the advertisement of Royal Air Force enrollment for the purpose of serving the nation and to defend the country as a pilot. A poster published by enlist newspaper for English service sector have advertised in this poster to get enrolled serving the nation as a soldier, sailor, pilot, nurse, doctor, and captain. The people were concerned with the victory and for this they published posters which presented the counts of the time to end the war. The main purpose was to explain to the industrial workers and the policy makers to work as much as possible for providing the maximum quantity. Some posters also presented the loyalty of the workers to the soldiers.

In a nutshell the World War II propaganda was to encourage everyone in the nation as well as in the colonies to work hard so that the Britain would win the war. This strategy was highly used in all over the Britain to speed up the productions in the England, Many parts of Europe, America, Africa and South Asia. The people took it positively and worked hard to help the Great Britain for saving the nation and the crown.

Works Cited

Barnes, Susan B. Visual impact: The power of visual persuasion. Hampton Pr, 2009.

Chapman, James. The British at war: cinema, state, and propaganda, 1939-1945. IB Tauris, 1998.



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