Academic Master


Workplace Practices Essay

Business writing, is interchangeably used with technical writing, is any form of writing produced in any workplace and allows the workers get informed. There are sources which help one conduct research and compose an excellent technical document.

‘How to become a technical writer’ is one of the best websites for a beginner to learn about technical writing. The planning phase is the most essential as it determines the effectiveness of the final text. “Take time to plan and review than to write.” (Dupuis, 2017). Text preparation involves project preparation, audience analysis, understanding the user, conceptualizing the document, choosing the correct document type and writing the correct style of the technical document. You should then review your document after this.

‘Purdue online writing’ helps you conduct research and in the composition of the technical document. It provides the concept of awareness and user-centered design and provides examples of such. The site also provides tips on use of charts to analyze the audience, reviewing the quality of the business document and parallel structure of the document, tone in the business writing design procedure and the basic sample letters.

‘Effective writing for the workplace’ addresses the basic elements of good business writing as follows: knowing your audience, effective use of passive voice, neutral-gender writing and correct punctuation and grammar.” Communication is achieved by writing in a preferred style of the recipient of your document.”(Claire, 1997).

Workplace practices include flexible work arrangement, fair employment practices manageable workplace diversity, best sourcing practices, and clear business culture. They also include day to day relationship that employees experience.

From this, I learn that technical writing should be direct, non-biased and less complex as possible. It should also be written in professional and accessible manner. When dealing with marketing or advertising issues, professional writers are best sought.


Spilka, R. (Ed.). (1998). Writing in the workplace: New research perspectives. SIU Press.

Retrieved from

Anderson-Inman, L. (1997). OWLs: Online writing labs. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy40(8), 650-654.Retrieved from https://owl English Purdue.ed section

Tom, D. (2017).How to become a technical writer. A beginners guide. Retrieved from https://www.instructional



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