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Thomas Woodrow Wilson


Thomas Woodrow Willson is 28th American president born on 28th Dec 1856 Virginia United States and died on 3rd February 1924. He elected two-time American president his tenure start from 14 March 1913 to 4th March 1921and he is from the democratic party. His nickname was “schoolmaster in politics.” He was awarded Nobel prize in 1919 due to his struggle for maintaining peace. His 14 points play a vital role in the establishment of the league of nation.  Earned Ph.D. in political science from Johns Hopkins University. Woodrow Wilson is the only American president in the history of the United States who have degree doctorate in political science(Wilson, 1993).

He started his political career in 1910 when he was nominated as a governer of new jersey. Due to his ambitious and successful agenda, he earned national recognition, and in 1912 he won the Democratic nomination for the president. He won 435 electoral colleges out of 531, and democratic are the majority in both houses of Congress. He is American president during the First world war. He was a great supporter of idealism. He gave the idea of an international organization that prevents war. His 14 points gave basic structure of league of nation which is first ever international organization.

Economic Reforms

During his presidency he more focus on economic development for this he makes three central peaces of legislation. The first peace of law was the low tariff, the Underwood Act and in 1914 antitrust legislation established a federal trade commission to minimize unfair practices.

Woodrow Wilson has a significant contribution in child labor force, during his presidency Congress passed many bills against the child labors (Keynes, 2017).

Pro farmers measure

During Woodrow Wilson presidency another important measure was taken by that is pro-farmer measure. He plays a vital role in giving farmers their rights and this play an important role in the economic growth of united states(Wilson, 2017).

The idea of eight-hour maximum work

Another an essential contribution in the field of economics that is he gave the concept of eight-hour work in a day that is an indispensable contribution to labor reforms.

During world war one:

When ist world war broke in Europe in 1914 he declared the United States remain neutral in this; he can not take part by any side axes or allied powers. He won the second presidential election with the slogan of “he kept us out of a war,” but after the election, he concluded that the US could not remain neutral in the world war first. On 2nd April 1917, he passed a declaration of war on Germany (Schattschneider, 2017).

League of Nation and Woodrow Willson:

Woodrow Wilson was the greater supporter of idealism. He gives the idea of an international forum where the nations of the solve their problem through peaceful means. In 1918 Willson went to Congress and gave is famous 14 points on which the league of nation was established, the last of which would establish “A general association guarantees the political independence and territorial integrity of all the state either weak or strong.”

After the signed of German on this document Nov 1918, Woodrow Willson went to a Paris try to enduring peace. Latter hr present the covenant of the league of nation in Congress by the seven votes the treaty of Versailles failed in Senate.

Woodrow Willison has a huge contribution to maintain peace around the world. The current international organization United Nation (UN) succedere organization of league of nation. UN plays an important role to prevent third world war. He is an excellent supporter of work, and against the racism, in his cabinet, many members belong to the south.


Woodrow Wilson is a great supporter of equality and not believe on racism he believes that men and women, black and whites are equal he gives equal opportunity to blacks during his presidential tenure. Willson is one of the great supporter equal opportunities for all without any discrimination by race(Cooper, 2018.)

Women’s suffrage and Woodrow Willson:

Woodrow Wilson is a great supporter of women suffrage. During 1917 to 1919 the movement of wo0men suffrage is it in peak. In the 19th amendment to the constitution of United States guaranteed American women to right to vote it is one the huge contribution of Willson in the women rights. Willson is a great supporter of women rights he gave equal participation to women in all fields of life(Wilson,1956).

Woodrow Wilson contribution in politics or International Relations

Woodrow Willson has a huge contribution in the field of International Relation or politics. He built another school of thought in international relations. He gave the new life to the liberal school of thought in international relations. This school plays an important role in preventing war and maintaining peace in the world. Due to the liberal school of thought in 1919 International relations emerged as a separate discipline in social science. This new help us to study international relations and world politics in a real sense.


American president Woodrow Wilson has a huge contribution to American politics as well as in world politics, and he is a great supporter of ideas. Willson has a huge contribution during world war one; he plays an important role to built first ever International organization.


Cooper Jr, J. M. (2018). Woodrow Wilson, the Great War, and the Fourth Estate.

Schattschneider, E. (2017). Party government: American government in action. Routledge.

Keynes, J. M. (2017). The economic consequences of the peace. Routledge.

Wilson, W. (1956). Congressional government a study in American politics (Vol. 27). Woodrow Wilson.

Wilson, W. (2017). Constitutional government in the United States. Routledge.

Wilson, W. (2017). Congressional government: A study in American politics. Routledge.

Wilson, W. (1993). The study of administration. Discipline and history: political science in the United States, 33.



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