Academic Master

Education, English

Women Issues in African Countries Essay

In African countries, women rights and issues have not been given priorities for a more extended period. However with the increasing numbers of women in the writings, such s Head has enabled the society and outside the world understands how African women are struggling to have some independence from the male. During her time of Writing South African women were struggling under the men regime. She had to write against the backdrop of the most unchangeable as well as essential lives of women in South Africa. She highlighted being born a woman in Africa by giving a broad insight about women in Botswana hence a lot of understanding from her position whereby she tried to understand the fates and experiences of women in the society. Just like her case she gives a clear indication no given way that sexual abuse is not justifiable in African countries.

Women have for a long time cried for space. They have participated only in the reproduction activities in the society while men have dominated the production sector. Black women had faced a lot of discrimination, harassment as well as emotional abuse of the black women. Apartheid was the leading cause which brought a lot of differences in sexuality, culture as well as cultural differences in the African society. Bessie has taken the middle-class women as an example of the definition of what women in Africa are undergoing under a patriarchal system in a community. More so apart from women working in their husband farms where the men were the primary beneficiaries of the commodities produced while women should also participate in a lot of home activities such as preparing foods, collecting firewood, cooking, washing among others (Brown, 1981).

In her writing Head, she has tried to come up with a lot of bitterness whereby she attempts to explain the real situation of prejudice and its causes as well. In her works, she mentioned that even women could participate in the economy building and indeed women when given an opportunity can also be an opportunity to serve in the higher position, women in a socio-cultural condition where many were disadvantaged. The primary focus of Head was to institution creating an environment of human where men and women would work together in creating the productive climate despite our gender class or race. Even in her works, she has received a lot of criticism, some called her a feminist, but she refused the term by explaining that for a woman to write a book does not have to be a feminist. Gender and intellectual ability do not relate. Both male and female can write and achieve their heart desires. She saw herself as one among many other African women who are struggling under the oppression and sexual prejudices (Nfah-Abbenyi, 1997).

Woman empowerment has come from such a considerable force that no individual has ever imagined. Women writing have in many ways, miraculously and meticulously occupied its position hence has become so surprising and essential to understanding that feminist spark started a long time ago. Many of the female writers have become an inspiration to many women to overcome a lot of issues they are undergoing in the male-dominated society. Now Women have come with a more significant force and demand all the kind of rights they have been denied over a more extended period. Women now can do what any man can do and do it best.


Brown, L. W. (1981). Women writers in black Africa (Vol. 21). Praeger Pub Text.

Nfah-Abbenyi, J. M. (1997). Gender in African women’s writing: identity, sexuality, and difference. Indiana University Press.

Head, B. (2012). The Deep River.



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