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Women, Children and Adolescents Essay

Recent studies on human development have indicated a positive correlation between women’s level of education and the international development. Considering the fact that international development is an organization that is concerned about social, economic development in marginal areas, people including women and children, researchers have attempted to discover the factors leading to the difference in development rates (Frøen, Staines, Vrijheid, Casas, Delnord, Friberg & Zeitlin, 2016). Women’s education stood out to be one of the major factors contributing to the socio-economic difference. A section of economists concluded that investing in girl child education is a critical undertaking that should be given priority in the society. Women, children and adolescents are very important to the development our community, and they can be very productive when natured and educated.

Women’s education is a beneficial not only to individuals but also to their countries (Frøen, Staines, Vrijheid, Casas, Delnord, Friberg & Zeitlin, 2016). It has been established that countries and even indiviadula that hve invested in education of the women and girl child have benefited more. Impacts of women and low education level are so serious and results in low economic growth. Without education, most women will be dependent on the state or on other people. The implication is that illiterate women will negatively contribute to the economy of a nation. (Frøen et al. 2016). Overall, educating women is important to the society and the nation as a whole since educated women positively contributes to the development of the economy.

In the recent past, varuious authors and human rights activists have come up with ideas elaborating the prominence of women’s health and well-being around the globe. This has made governments in the past take steps in improving women’s health in conformation with the certain key international summits commitments (Cook et al, 2017). There are steps on reducing the maternal mortality, which hastened the unveiling of the UN’s Global Strategy for both children and women’s health in 2010. This has led to the increase in maternal healthcare and family planning in many countries (WHO, & Mathers, 2017). Also, there has been progress on major determinants of a woman’s health. Interestingly, reports show that there are increased school enrolment rates of girls and women’s political participation recently. However, there are some challenges facing women about health mostly in low resource settings where women are discriminated based on their sex, and ethnicity, which disadvantages their health even more.

Statistics shows that mortality rate for the males were much higher than females with unintentional injuries being the leading cause of their deaths. Both racial and ethnic disparities also brought some difference with black adolescents having a higher mortality rate as compared to the whites. Most of the deaths from the blacks were due to homicide compared to whites whose main cause was unintentional injuries (Temmerman, Khosla, Bhutta, & Bustreo, 2015). Due to the mortality and morbidity rates, several countermeasures are in place to reduce them. For the injuries, use of protective gears like bicycle helmets, car seats, stair gates, seat belts, consistently be used whenever necessary to reduce the injury risk. Legislation to ensure helmets and seat belts are properly used will help to reinforce this measure (Temmerman, Khosla, Bhutta, & Bustreo, 2015). A social environment promoting safety would help reduce accidents. Counseling and social services for students can reduce the suicide and even homicides. Rehabilitation of drug addicts would also act as a countermeasure to the drug addicts.

In summary, women, children and adolescents are very important part of the development of the society even though they are prone to death when exposed to certain conditions. They therefore need good care. In particular, children and adolescents need parental guidance, which is necessary to ensure they remain part of the society since they are the future of every nation both economically and socially across the world.


Frøen, J. F., Staines, A., Vrijheid, M., Casas, M., Delnord, M., Friberg, I. K., … & Zeitlin, J. (2016). Invisibility: The Health Information gaps affecting women, children and adolescents in Europe: Frederik Frøen. The European Journal of Public Health26(suppl_1), ckw168-037.

Cook, A., Spinazzola, J., Ford, J., Lanktree, C., Blaustein, M., Cloitre, M., … & Mallah, K. (2017). Complex trauma in children and adolescents. Psychiatric Annals35(5), 390-398.

WHO, U., & Mathers, C. (2017). Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016-2030). The organization2016(9).

Temmerman, M., Khosla, R., Bhutta, Z. A., & Bustreo, F. (2015). Towards a new global strategy for women’s, children’s and adolescents’ health. bmj351, h4414.



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