Academic Master

Education, English

Women and Afghanistan Peace Process

To an extent, I agree with Jones provisions that women ought to be accommodated in the peace searching process. For a long time, men have been in the middle of the peacemaking process. After all the time on the table, they have had little to show. This is associated with the power greed that many men exhibit in all their dealings (Durko 1081). As such, many of the men go to the table with the intention of gaining power. The unfortunate torture affecting the people does not form part of their major concerns. Men pursue that which they feel is the best for them, which the society comes second.

Women have suffered the most in the hands of the warlords in Afghanistan. The heartbreaking aspect is that the war does not seem to be anywhere near the end. Women are physically weaker compared to their male counterparts. They have suffered more than even the women. Women have been gang-raped and made captives for the warriors. Thus, men are less affected by the entire course. Having only men in the peacekeeping process promises limited results in the end. As men are less affected, they have no worries apart from their own personal interests.

History shows that women have performed better than men in the peace searching process. For instance, Dr. Habiba Sariba serves as the only appointed governor in Afghanistan. By coincidence, her county proves to be the most peaceful among all. Therefore, women are seen to be quite objective on the course that they are assigned (Durko 1087). All the other counties led by men are chaotic and not peaceful. The men concentrate more on the political tussles and forget about the need for peace on the ground. The culture does not allow women to actively engage in politics. This provides a good chance for them to engage in more objective courses, such as the peace installation missions.

I also agree that women would offer some good help in peace searching process. For a long time, they have not been engaged in the process. This means that they present a good opportunity that has been untapped for a long time. Women carry lots of experience under the war that has been rampant for a long time (Bouvier n.p). They have all the knowledge of how the war starts and ends. This is a rich source of information that has not been utilized for a long time. It is therefore important to change the trend and accommodate more women. The more the number of women in the peace searching process, deeper the level of war knowledge will be for the entire process.

I also support the inclusion of women in peacemaking since such measures would receive major backing from the international community. The international community, including the US, has been advocating for the incorporation of women in the peacemaking process. However, this has been landing on deaf ears as the government of Afghanistan ignores the calls. With the inclusion and more support, peacemaking would be attained faster. This will also result in an everlasting peace deal as opposed to a one day end of shooting.

However, women do not present the ultimate solution to conflicts in Afghanistan. In fact, the solution for all the difficulties in the country lies with the cause of conflicts. With or without the inclusion of the women, the main cause of the war will remain. It is, therefore, the role of the major stakeholders to address the first things first (Paffenholz n.p). For instance, it is imperative that the issue of land allocation should be dealt with to the letter. The issue of unemployment should also be made a priority in the peacemaking process. At the end of the day, it is not the gender involved in the discussions, but the agendas discussed and the objectivity of the process.

Works Cited

Bouvier, Virginia. “Gender and the role of women in Colombia’s peace process.” ONU Mujeres 27 (2016).

Durko, Angela, and James Petrick. “The Nutella Project: An Education Initiative to Suggest Tourism as a Means to Peace between the United States and Afghanistan.” Journal of Travel Research 55.8 (2016): 1081-1093.

Paffenholz, Thania, et al. Making women count-not just counting women: Assessing Women’s Inclusion and Influence on Peace Negotiations. UN Women, 2016.



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