Academic Master


some grounded theories and facts on acknowledging the existence of ghosts

Ghosts have always been a fragment of interest for many people worldwide. Different cultures have different perceptions of ghost spirits passed away from this world that may have passed away from this world. Millions of people and attribute goals are responsible factors for unexplained paranormal phenomena. The purpose of this assignment henceforth is to highlight some grounded theories and Facts that give an affirmative basis for acknowledging existence of ghosts is real.

As per a survey conducted by Harris Poll in 2013 around 43% of Americans have a belief that it exists and is very real. This fact provides a strong grounding to the notion that the dead remain with us even after they have passed in the form of spirits as they no longer have a physical existence. Even the Bible acknowledges the existence of supernatural beings like the Spirit by stating.

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God. . . You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” (Bible, James 4:7-8, NKJV)

Shakespeare’s finest work of literature like Macbeth is a testimony to the fact that the theme is believed to be true centuries ago and today. Most folklore genres like ghosts are also a product of associated true stories encompassing near-death experiences, life after death, and spirit communication. The stories of sighted experiences of ghosts have been a source of fascination for many writers and readers in hundreds of books and tales of experiencers and interviews of these observers via thousands of discussions in the past years. The research shows that even though the details, imageries, and portrayals of such observations may differ from country to country the overall experience was an eye opener in a remarkably similar way. Most of the people belonging to the West described their ghost sights as a slight impression of an orb moving up in the air (in a floating manner). Many see their relatives or friends’ ghosts as contented and happy and having a great time in a beautifully surreal realm; where they met other spiritual beings and came across an extensive list of their long-lost relatives or friends. However, almost all of them reveal that such experiences didn’t appear to them as a dream or a hallucination, but such experiences were for, according to them, “more real than real life.” The belief is also a source of comfort for many people who want to look for a source to console themselves for the well-being of the people that have passed from this world and hence the existence, of course, provides them a sort of relief that somehow their loved ones are still near them. However, the very concept and related opinions of people is a proof of the sheer existence of ghosts.

Even in the Victorian era in the 1800s people suffered an insurmountable amount of pain and suffering as they walked right since they wanted to communicate with supernatural beings mainly ghosts. Ghost clubs were formed as a result, which was hell-bent on generating evidence against any substantial spiritual existence at prestigious educational institutions like Oxford University and Cambridge University. The establishment of the Society for Psychic Research in 1882 promoted the concept and helped many researchers and proponents of the theory to explore their ideas and beliefs regarding ghosts fully. Eleanor Sidgwick is one of the few most prominent names in history (also as a president of the society above) who contributed significantly towards the existence of ghosts and how people could find evidence to support this theory. The society formed by him Laid the foundation for modern-day Ghostbusters and ghost hunters (which only strengthens the assertion of the existence of supernatural beings).

Furthermore, in lieu of scientific and sociological research and explanation of spirits, the work of sociologists like Dennis and Michelle appeared in 2016 by the name “Ghostly Encounters: The Hauntings of Everyday Life” (Temple University Press) and gained special attention and value in the proponents of this theory. Their book mysteriously states that “many participants were not sure that they had encountered a ghost and remained uncertain that such phenomena were even possible, simply because they did not see something that approximated the conventional image of a ‘ghost.’ Instead, many of our respondents were simply convinced that they had experienced something uncanny — something inexplicable, extraordinary, mysterious, or eerie.” this statement further affirms that ghosts do exist but may be differently deciphered by each human since we don’t understand the reality in which they exist. However, even though their form of existence cannot be explained and is hitherto unknown to humans we still cannot declare that ghosts don’t exist.

Moreover, the theory is also thought to be true due to the fact that such experiences have been personally witnessed by people belonging to different cultures and social and ethnic backgrounds since the beginning of time. The experiences where people show go from individual to individual (where they grew up either in a Haunted House or were visited by the friendly spirit of a friend or a family member with unfinished business). Since eyewitness accounts cannot be ignored they need to be instigated further with scientific evidence.

With regard to this, research has presented the opinion of many great scholars who believe that the support for the existence of ghosts can be found in no less a hard science than modern physics. Albert Einstein is also known as one of the greatest physicians in the world. He vouched for the existence of spirits by providing a scientific basis for them as per his first law of thermodynamics by stating: “if energy cannot be created or destroyed but only change form, what happens to our body’s energy when we die? Could that somehow be manifested as a ghost?”

Science declares this assumption as a very basic one since after the death of the person the energy in his body goes into the earth or the environment in which he is buried. The energy is then transferred by shifting its form into packets or sources of energy absorbed by plants or other living beings. When the Ghost Detectors cannot detect any sort of energy since the energy has already been converted into another form after the person passes away, however, one cannot state clearly that ghosts are an ostentation or a legend.

Lastly, one can say that all the factors above contribute to the fact that ghosts are very real and they exist in the form of energy misunderstood by us (being Humans having a limited knowledge of Supernatural beings and how they coexist with us). However, it is to be noted here that seeing doesn’t always mean believing sometimes when we cannot see something, it doesn’t mean that that thing doesn’t exist.


Exemplore. (2017). Scientific Evidence and Proof That Ghosts Exist. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Feb. 2018].

Holzer, Hans. Ghosts: True Encounters with the World Beyond. Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2004.

Radford, B. (2017). Are Ghosts Real? — Evidence Has Not Materialized. [online] Live Science. Available at: [Accessed 8 Feb. 2018].

Steiger, Brad. Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places. Visible Ink Press, 2012.

Clarke, Roger. A Natural History of Ghosts: 500 Years of Hunting for Proof. Penguin UK, 2012.



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