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Health Care

Why Abortion is an Progressive Economic Issue?

America has experienced the most number of abortions than anywhere in the world. Teenage pregnancy has become widely common in the grounds of the US. Most women get an abortion. There is a survey conducted in 2004, which illustrates the statistics about the abortion rate in America, which is almost 100%. The issue is gaining political attention now. There are several initiatives taken by the government to alleviate the abortion rates and teenage pregnancy, but nothing worked so far. There are different arguments made on why women go for an abortion. One of the articles published in New York Times Magazine recently emphasizes the economic aspect of it.

Raising a child in America has been always a demanding aspect of life. A single mother has to do multiple jobs to raise a child. It is debated that most single mothers have to work more than 16 hours a day to support their childcare. As the issue of abortion has become the center of attention, it is argued that low income goes for unintended abortions because of their financials. A woman who intends to keep their child becomes reluctant because of their economic condition. It is noted that the rate of abortion is way higher in low income than in those of high income.

Every unplanned pregnancy happen at a stage where life purpose for a woman has not been completed yet. Recent recessions played vital role in an increased rate of abortion for low income women. Apart from economic reasons, education or a career may compel a woman for an abortion. A child is a serious responsibility and needs full commitment. When most women get pregnant, they do not have that kind of dedication. However, there is a small number of women who compromise their personal lives to keep the child. The article stressed low-income women and their high tendency towards the abortion.

It is observed that women who do not go through with abortion are likely to be unemployed in the near future because of their lack of attention to the job. Women with strong ambitions for their education and career go through an abortion to have a normal life as planned. The American government is continuously trying to reduce the abortion rate. Political interference has become increasingly higher in abortions. The government is trying to reduce teenage pregnancy by educating young kids on how to do safe sex. The problem still exists with no ultimate solution.

A woman in a mediocre phase of finances could only imagine raising a child in America. You have to spend thousands of dollars a year. Child care support grabs your attention. There are barely any paid leaves. All these predictors let it almost impossible for a woman to bear a child. Despite that, there are many factors that can force women to go for an abortion. American democratic leaders have always tried to win the election by playing down the abortion. Unfortunately, there were no robust initiatives taken by the responsible authorities.

Women who are compelled to go for abortion are helpless. It is not easy to raise a child in the US. The article illustrates the facts about no government support for such women. It is not easy for a woman to let her child regardless of unintended pregnancy. The articles sympathize with those women. The actual problem of abortion has arisen because of improper planning for such circumstances. A woman cannot take care of a child on her own. American associations are working on introducing no abortion policies, which would cancel the license for clinics providing such services. The economic downfall and poor financial conditions are the prime reasons for higher abortion rates in America.

The article relates the issue of abortion to politics. It would not be the right thing to do to take someone’s discretion away from them. A woman in this era alone would rather fight for her success and career progression. The American government needs to understand that. The article supports the cause of a woman going for an abortion rather than taking a risk of raising a child with poor economic. One could imagine the life of a child with low resources. If the political leaders focus more on the facilitation and economic help than on lowering the rate of abortion.

The government has yet to discover a way to compensate such women. There are few programs to avoid teenage pregnancy, if it happens what’s the alternative plan? It needs thinking and proper planning. If women feel secure about the future of their children. They would not go for an abortion in the first place. Although exceptions are there. It might be possible for some ratio women still go for an abortion. It is highly unlikely that they would not consider if they had financial help to raise their unborn child.

The article extracts a very interesting point of how political figures use social issues to win the confidence of people. Abortion is a prevailing problem in the US these days. Political democrats are exploiting that and presenting false hope to people. Economic problems are the root cause of abortion. US officials should put some serious consideration into this issue. Banning clinics would not help them stop this, but financial support might. It’s a right of a woman to decide whether she wants to keep the child or not, but the reproductive element cannot be ignored. Abortion is like killing someone before the person is born. A live soul should become a part of this world. There is systematic planning needed to take of this problem. It could only be done by analytical thinking.




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