Academic Master

English, Sport

What are the Most Effective Ways of Reducing Injuries in Sport?


Physical fitness is one of the essential component of healthy life. People in all over the world have very good attempts to be physically fit. The Sports is the best way to make the body metabolism perfect and always healthy. There are many benefits of sports but sometimes it is also a cause of fatal injury in which fracture, muscle pain and concussion are counted as the top most categories of injuries in sports. According to a good health advisor the fractures must be avoided and the sports should be played within the rules. The concussion is normally possible in rough sports like football, basketball and hockey as well as other racing games, and it is required to give priority to the health and personal safety as well as others. Taking risks is a good thing but without precautions, seems inhuman. The main aim of the paper is to discuss the most effective ways which would help in the reduction of the injuries caused during the sports.


There are a number of possible ways which would help in reducing unnecessary chances of injuries while playing a peaceful or competitive sports. The most common cause of the sport injuries are the improper warmup before the start of the strenuous activities or heavy duty sports like gym, football, basketball and running, improper use of the equipment and not following or keeping in touch with the safety precautions. It is impossible to prevent an injury, even if an individual is playing with good safety measures but others may be a cause of the injury. There are some of the main ways how to prevent the sports injury.

Body Warm Up

One of the best way to reduce the injury while participating in the sports is the body warm up. The warm up session’s main aim is to increase the body’s blood circulation and breathing activity to activate its hyper activity performance. It is required to last the session for at least five to fifteen minutes according to the sport which is about to be performed. There are many ways to warm up the body in which the most popular are the gentle stretching and the movement of the muscles to prepare for the energetic sport or any activity which is about to start.

In addition to the blood flow increase and breathing, warm up also helps in the increase of the flexibility of the muscle fibers. It also helps in decreasing the risk of any strain in the muscle. Stable walk and jogging are the best exercises for warmup. As the warm up ends it is necessary to do some gentle stretches to lengthen the muscles as well as tendons (interconnections among muscle and bone). It is also advised to pay more attention and use those muscles more during the warm up session for preventing injuries at all during the sports.

Usage of Proper Equipment

There are many sports which require particular attention during the equipment usage because the injuries and damage factor is highly increased. These kind of sports include a good number of players as well as participants physical contact. The need of protective equipment is highly required which includes the shin pads, gloves, head protection, knee covers, and arm shields. These equipment are used for different supports while all of them. These pieces are specially designed for the roughest sports so that there would be possibly no injury during the sports. Helmets and head protection are used to avoid the skill and head from any kind of concussions, knee and arm shields are used for direct contact of hard objects with the body as well as the gloves are also used for good hands protection.

Furthermore, there is a necessity for a sports player to use correct footwear while playing a sport. The correct shoes and pads, footpads will help in the protection of the foot and ankle as well as it helps in avoiding any kind of twisting and injuries. It is highly important to follow the instructions of the coach for protection so that there would be no possible injury as the injury causes the disturbance among teams and effects the individual’s performance that’s why it is highly required to protect the body from injuries.

Usage of Right Technique

There are a number of proper techniques learned by the players which are used for avoiding the risk of the injury. It is highly required as well as important to learn the proper techniques of using the equipment and playing during the sports chosen particularly. Having a good practice as well as outstanding ways to implement those techniques will help in reducing the overall ways of any kind of damage during the sports related injuries to the muscles and bones. These techniques are fruitful in the gymnasium, where experts would always be on hand to help and to avoid any wrong attempts for the safety of the equipment as well as their customers and the efficiency.

Cool Down

As discussed above that warm up is important, cool down process also requires a lot much attention. It is essential to properly cool down after any physical activity as well as sports. The expert’s advice to work for at least five to 10 minutes as well for cooling down. It helps in regulation of the heartbeat, breathing, and many other metabolic processes. The process could be concluded by taking a walk from the ground to the bench, a little sit stands or having small jumps while ending the sports. The stretching exercises also helps in lengthening of the muscles which are being used during the sport. It’s benefits are highly considered and in all over the world cool down processes are followed as it helps in protetcting the muscles from getting bulky.

Remain Hydrated

Being hydrated is highly important and it is essential during any kind of exercise or sports. Doing sports in sunny or hot environment, it is required to keep hydrated for reducing the dehydration while being alone. Dehydration highly damages the blood circulation and the brain cells.


During the sports people unintentionally faces injuries which mostly causes the people to suffer for a long time. In above it is clearly stated about the beneficial and highly implemented for the reduction of the injuries. The right equipment is always chosen and advised to use good techniques to implement the sport more efficiently and avoid any kind of injury. It would be advised to always properly implement the strategies which are required for reducing the injuries during the sports. Sophisticated equipment usage should not be ignored as their purpose is only human safety. Many times the injury happens due to the other players but according to the international sports organizations and league management, it is concluded that 80% of the injuries are caused due to personal mistakes or not following of the rules. No one is safe during the sports but it’s better not to become a chance or a cause of another individual’s injury as it would may cause the penalty or suspension while playing and would be an embarrassment at the ground or alone on a walkway.


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