Academic Master


Weaknesses in the Campus Case Studies

There are many weaknesses found in the campus but one of them is debatable here. It is found that the campus scored 4.02 in Teachers Engagement survey. It is obviously not a satisfactory in all means as teachers are the main assets of the campus but they are evidently not fully satisfied with the campus somehow or the other. Some of the reasons that have been noticed are that teachers who leave the campus go for other teaching experiences or location. Very few teachers took advantage of the leadership opportunities offered by the campus. Teachers need to be able to talk to and seek the assistance of those that are here for their support. When teachers don’t feel supported, they may seek employment elsewhere within the district. A strong sense of family and support is essential to good communication and retention. There are little recreational trips and facilities for them. Teacher are not encouraged to take part in the decision making so they feel sense of deprivation. Teachers have high esteem needs by nature, so stopping them in the decision process make them dissatisfied and they find other options to choose.


It is the goal in the year to improve Teachers Engagement survey score from 4.02 to 4.12 but there is still way more to do in this area. For the campus to progress in long run, there is a dire need to retain teachers in the campus. The low attendance rate in leadership opportunities is a cause of no participation of teachers in decision making so the teachers should be given chances in the campus’ decision making process to make them feel honored and this will, for sure, increase the above score to 4.5 or so in the next few years. Administrative team should provide opportunities to teachers who are seeking leadership roles or simply want to be more involved on campus. There should be some recreational trips of teachers to increase their motivation level towards their profession. Teachers must be invited to attend weekly morning/evening administration meetings, daily after school debriefing and monthly leadership team meetings to share their input of the campus’s vision, goals and mission.



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