Academic Master


Urinetown Essay

The existence of context in any theater sets an environment that is different from any other piece and the same is vital in creating a better understanding of the various elements. It is evident that most works are insignificant and it is an uphill task relating to the physical environment. The occurrence normally takes care of the given space and can exploit various factors such as size, location as well as condition. It is evident that this aspect presents a palpable effect on the strategies as well as an intent set. That is also inclusive of the expectation of the audience. The focus of the piece is the development of a response to Urinetown. The self-conscious satire involving the musical theatre is of much importance and banks on the human rights as well as the body waste. The ability of the addressing elements to gain a significant entry into the marketplace makes it necessary to explore them in any given space.

It is evident that Urinetown never gives much focus on the aspect of easy description. To start with the title, the emblematic nature makes it appealing to the most audience, and that brings the urge of exploiting the content and even applying the same in real life situation. Even though it remains unpleasant to a certain extent, it is worth giving credit where it is due. Again, the plot strives to defend the human right. That is an instance that tends to void individual bladder without having much focus on the monetary charge. Personally, the presentation is a mockery of the various dramas that place much emphasis on social conscience (Kotis & Hollmann, 2003). Most importantly, the main factor to consider is the grandiose musicals that value the easy sentiment. Ideally, a description of any piece should create a correlation with actual happening to help in fostering understanding. That is the same case with the play since it majors on the grass-roots revolution, which suffered the effect of drought. The elimination of the private toilets makes life such hell in the region. Even the city cartels took control of the public toilets, and that creates more harm than good. In the modern society, unethical practices are the main cause of suffering, and there is the need for humans to understand their role in the society. That should not focus on wealth creation but rather on the ability to have a positive impact on the lives of individuals in various spaces.

The satire is indeed good in the piece, and that brings the sober point that lurks the heart of the play. The expression brings a greater sense related to the admonishment of the American wastefulness. Individuals are executing plans that do not result in the common good in the region. In fact, people don’t appreciate what they have until it is gone. It is imperative to take good care of the existing resources and even work on ways of utilizing them to bring a better society. Even though these elements are evident in the play, it is also evident that the Urinetown fails to be serious in key instances and that also makes it hard in bringing a clear understanding of the intention set throughout (Kotis & Hollmann, 2003). The use of self-mockery is comprehensively used in defusing the aspect of earnestness. Moreover, Urinetown is such a sensational piece and embraces the theatre tradition. The ability to push the same forward also makes it applicable to different setups in the modern society. Ideally, most of the elements present in the show are extraordinary. As a consequence, it is possible to have a linguistic cliché, which is different from other pieces as well.

Do you love watching or reading a piece that makes you laugh? If your response is yes, then I suggest you read Urinetown. The piece is indeed hilarious. One instance that can affirm the response is the courtship involving two young lovers. The existence of the musical number in the process is also a factor to consider and further depicts a howling parody related to innocence. That happens without placing much emphasis on the sex joke presented. In most shows, the humor is short-lived and fail to create the necessary correlation. That is never the case with Urinetown since the humor remains consistent as well as smart.

In conclusion, Urinetown is hilarious, and I will recommend to anyone willing to have some comedy. That is notwithstanding the educative part of the play. The ability to create a clear understanding of the yahoos and the Houyhnhnms. It is apparent that various stakeholders in the society are willing to execute activities that are not proper. The misuse of resources brings a deeper understanding of lack of appreciation among societies. That is the main cause of conflicts that arise. It is still imperative to ensure that accountability carries the order of the day at any given instance. Such an approach makes it possible to make good use of the existing resources and improve the living standard of individuals. The play brings a sense of accountability as well as appreciation to live a good life.


Kotis, G., & Hollmann, M. (2003). Urinetown: The Musical. Macmillan.



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