Academic Master

Business and Finance

Types of Budget Essay

Department of Consumer Affairs (California Governor’s office)

The Department of Consumer Affairs is a state government agency of California State. The agency is responsible for safeguarding and promoting the consumers’ interest for the people of California by ensuring their health, safety and well-being are adhered to by encouraging legal and ethical standards of professional conduct (California Budget, 2016). The agency was allocated a budget of $5.4 million in fiscal of 2015-2016. $1.6 million of the budget was for the creation of Medical Marijuana and Safety Act Fund and help creating for 25 positions for the office holders while $3.8 million was for the whole department (California Budget, 2016.

Type of Budget in Each Agency

The Medical Marijuana and Safety Act Fund budget is operating budget while the Department of Consumer affairs budget is program budget. Thus, operating budget is the budget that considers elements of expenses or income (Barr, 2018). Thus, the Marijuana Bureau budget will go toward hiring and consolidating the bureau, i.e., expenses while the department of consumer affair budget cash will go towards specific programs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Program Budget

The advantages include; it helps in determining the priority of the project and help in identifying the area with higher funds requirement. Whereas, the disadvantage includes if it is incorrect causes an increase costs (Barr, 2018).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Operating Budget

The pros of the operating budget include: it helps in predicting short-term and long-term goals, and it’s flexible. The con of the operational budget is that it hard for it to keep accurate information.


The budgets for the agencies above are responsible for safeguarding people interests by promoting ethical standards equally to all people within the given state. Different types of budgets use different planning method. Therefore, for the agency budget, I recommend the use of program budget.


Barr, M. J. (2018). Budgets and financial management in higher education. John Wiley & Sons.

California Budget. (2016). “Department of consumer affairs” Retrieved from

Hartley, K. (2018). Defence Budgets. In Routledge Handbook of Defence Studies (pp. 53-71). Routledge.



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