Academic Master

Human Resource And Management

To Recruitment Manager


Subject: Application Letter For The Position Of S5

It will be an honour for me to join Jrotc as S5. I am committed to helping my cadets by utilizing all my capabilities so that they can perform their duties very well. Also, I realize that I have made errors this year, but I have learned lessons from my mistakes, and I would apply those lessons to train my cadets, as it is my passion to lead my team from the front.

I have developed the characteristics of a leader in my personality; I thoroughly understand the requirements of my role. In addition, I am fully aware as to what a cadet is supposed to learn, for this purpose, I have a passion to transfer my knowledge to my cadets to enhance their skills.

I have the ability to communicate effectively with my team both one-on-one and in the group. Also, I am very flexible and adaptable in my approach, I am willing to accept last minute changes that may occur during the course of my work. I do possess a positive attitude, which is required to take up the S5 role. Further, I would motivate my team so that they can perform their duties professionally. I would develop an environment of trust within my team so that they can work collectively. Moreover, I have good decision-making power, which will prove beneficial for my team as a whole. I know my responsibilities for this particular role, and I have prepared myself to take up the task of guiding and grooming cadets

I am applying for this position with the belief that you’ll consider me for this prestigious role. I would prove myself to be valuable to this organization. Therefore, kindly give me a chance to help my cadets. I hope to work as a team with my fellow leadership cadets.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,



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