Academic Master


The Role of Media

There exist no uncertainties just how much technology has invaded our lives from how we communicate, relax to how we educate ourselves. Advanced technology has brought about positive impacts in our lives and this according to experts has made people dependent on technology. Media has been a subject of debate regarding the various effects and effects I have on human beings. This project will focus on the multiple ways media impacts the social behavior and human lives.

While most media platforms are running throughout the day, it is challenging to avoid the negative news and the resultant adverse impacts. Terror attacks, school or mass murder and airplane accidents among other forms of violence depicted in media have long-lasting mental consequences and can result in psychological problems (Koçak, 2017).

The human mind is programmed to focus more on the terrific news, and just like the obsession with accidents and other violent news, the adverse report on media are hard to ignore which is likely to influence the human perception regarding the world significantly (Rim & Song, 2016). Negativity in the media can lead to harmful thoughts and repercussions on a person’s life.

According to psychologists, viewing of negative media and exposure to graphic contents and violence can result in adverse human behavior. Exposure to the news regarding alcohol or drug use and abuse can influence people, especially the teenagers and youths, to abusing drugs while experimenting. Similarly, people may turn violent as a result of TV programs, videos or games containing violent scenes. Exposure to harmful media can also cause over-sensitization thus impacting the way people relate, their general behavior and perception regarding various topics and issues (Barnes & Hevron, 2018).

Conclusively, the media has a lot to do with human behavior and character. While it may have positive impacts on social life, it can also have adverse effects on people especially those addicted to it. In truism, most people may end up being violent or drug abusers due to the content they get exposed to on the media.


Barnes, J., & Hevron, P. (2018). Framed? Judicialization and the Risk of Negative Episodic Media Coverage. Law & Social Inquiry.

Koçak, N. (2017). Social and Individual Impacts of Social Media and Its Interactions with Traditional Media. International Journal Of Communication And Media Science4(2), 1-7.

Rim, H., & Song, D. (2016). “How Negative Becomes Less Negative”: Understanding the Effects of Comment Valence and Response Sidedness in Social Media. Journal Of Communication66(3), 475-495.



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