Academic Master


The Prospect of Transgender as Social Concern

This particular article written by Eve Glicksman effectively highlights one of the chronic issues of the world named as the issue of transgender today. The following article provides a different form of evidence of the societal development for accepting the feature of transgender in the society and what needs to do more to consider the aspect of transgender as the one stigma. The author provides the example of the first person, Jorgensen who decided to go for undergone gender reassignment surgery but this particular idea was not that simple for the society. There were many voices which creates the facet of discrimination for the people who characterize as the transgender. The author also successfully indicate that although the evolution of the society helps transgender people to live more freely and enjoy equal rights in the society. This particular feature was explained by the following words: “Today, signs that we are entering a more hopeful era for transgender people are flourishing.”(Glicksman, 36). The other side of the story was also described by the author as there are still many pieces of evidence which indicate about the different forms of discrimination for the transgender people.

Undoubtedly, it is the right time for the world to consider the critical issues related with the facet of the transgender and take necessary measures to effectively deal with the issue of discrimination and hate for the transgender community. Still, transgender individuals are underprivileged in many different social settings (Miller and Grollman, 809). The aspect of rejection in case of actual identity of any transgender is common prospect which delivers harsh psychological impact on the personality of the individual. The author of the article successfully highlights the tragedy in case of transgender individuals who mostly face the challenge of psychological distress due to different forms of abuse. There is the need for different and effective counseling programs to provide more awareness to the society about different concerns of transgender people.

Work Cited

Glicksman, Eve. “Transgender Today.” American Psychological Association, Apr. 2013,

Miller, Lisa R., and Eric Anthony Grollman. “The Social Costs of Gender Nonconformity for Transgender Adults: Implications for Discrimination and Health.” Sociological Forum, vol. 30, Wiley Online Library, 2015, pp. 809–31.




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