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The Micromanager Essay

George is guilty of his micromanagement characters, but he is not willing to let it go. According to George, he believed that it as his responsibility to scrutinized Shelley’s works including her typos. Shelley like any other employee needed her freedom and never liked her efforts being criticized. More so, she believed in herself as the marketing expert and what hurts her most is the fact that it is the engineer who is correcting her. Her attitude towards him makes her more uncomfortable since she did not have a space of practicing her abilities in the marketing fields. George was putting Shelley under a lot of pressure hence if he does not trust Shelley ability to carry out the task by her h never wanted to employ another staff.

George micromanaged Shelley, but he never wanted to admit that he is doing so. He makes sure that read word to word on Shelley works before a press release. George believed that his views and decisions were final and therefore, Shelley could not explain why she decided to put it the way it is. When Shelley tried to explain to George that his behaviors are hindering her from performing her tasks efficiently and she needed space he could not agree with her. He did not listen to his employee views on his behavior, but instead, he believed that Shelley had some personal problems (“The Micromanager” np).

George thought that he was giving directions, but in his case, he was micromanaging. George never knew when to step in and when to get out f the way, and he invested a lot of time in one particular area by just scrutinising press release. The pressure was much that lead to Shelley thinking of calling sick, and the moment George could call her the sickness increases. Her attitude has hindered her from approaching George to communicate the vision with him, but instead, it has stifled her and left her a learned helpless.

X and Y theories

The X and Y theories refer to two styles of management styles. The two types are authoritative as well as participate as explained in the X and Y theories respectively. In theory X the manager does not have confidence in his employees, and therefore they believed they naturally disliked the work o demotivated naturally. According to these kinds of managers, they think that for a worker to perform the task efficiently, they need to be punished now and then to be able to finish the job. According to George, he had a pessimistic attitude toward Shelley, and he thought that Shelley has some personal problems that are making her commit the mistake. Therefore, he would punish her by keeping her correcting the work time and again without letting her explain why she thought that was right. George was threatening Shelley that she might lose that job if she does not follow his instructions. With Theory X managers concentrate more on the little tasks that were supposed to be delegated to the subordinate staffs and allow them to grow and leadership remains centralized.

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Theory Y managers have hope and believe in their work that they can deliver the task without being supervised and they use participate decentralized leadership skills. Managers have a collaborative and trust-based relationship with their team members and allow room for improvements as well as developing new skills. If George gave space to Shelley to present her skills and talent, they could be no pressure and conflict between them. George should stop giving much focus on the press release issue where he had given much focus and neglect other issues that are facing the marketing sector. He is uncomfortable with his position as the CEO instead of letting Shelley work and assure that she will be held accountable for any outcome in the marketing department.


Democratic leadership allows the employees to have a more significant say where they are encouraged to so what is required of them and rewards are used in controlling and coercion. Employees should be given opportunities to put to use their capabilities. If an organization does not respond to the employees, need to put to use their talent and skills they may seek to look for somewhere else where their abilities are utilized.

George and Shelley should state their objective right and set out measures that give a field of improvement. George should understand that leadership is allowing others to grow by helping them achieve their dreams and he should have motivated Shelley to work in her field by trusting her in the marketing field. He should delegate the task of marketing to her as an expert and makes her accountable for any outcome.

Additionally, George did not welcome teamwork or feedback from the employee. He believed that he was right and whatever the mistakes he saw on Shelley work were genuine. George should welcome collaboration and input from Shelley to be able to understand her position. He should utilize his soft executive tools as a manager such as communication and leadership skills. If he fails to use the tools available to him, he will not be in a position to take this company to the next level as he hopes to (“The Micromanager” np).

Since the CEO Is the face of the company George is the face of Retronic, and every individual in the firm emulates his behavior. No teamwork and dictatorial leadership styles which leads to adverse effects on others like Shelley. Hence he needed to apply the leadership skills and use all the available executive tools available to him as well as engaging in straight talk to everyone so that they understand the role they play in the organization.

A manager should create a positive working relationship with the workers. George had already made up his mind, and he had negative attitudes towards Shelley. He has already made his mind that she is not ready to change or learn, not motivated to determine what is required and believed that she has her issues that she is carrying to the place of work. George is deciding without considering the outcomes or consequences of his actions to Retronics success. He is at a higher risk of facing difficulties due to his harmful behaviors and imposing a lot of stress on other workers. George was supposed to welcome feedback from all the workers through the 360 degrees and a neutral third party, and his micromanagement behaviors may lead to his failures since he is over managing people.

Due to the disagreement between Shelley and George make her loose motivation in her working career. However, shelly should understand that bosses come and go with their attitudes and behaviors as well but her job. To approach George, she should have contacted him during the low stressed moments to explain how his micromanagement behaviors are making her fails in and determining how she can learn from George. As per George, he is supposed to accept that he is a micromanager and he should look for ways to stop his behaviors. However, despite the fact that Shelley has already reached out to him that she does not like his micromanaging behaviors he denies that he is doing so. He is not ready to leave Shelley alone and give her space to carry her task and believed that Shelley could not be able to maintain the quality.

Works cited

“The Micromanager.” Harvard Business Review. N.p., 2018. Web. 13 Feb. 2018.



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