Academic Master


The Meaning of Friendship in a Social-Networked World by Alex Pattakos


In “The Meaning of Friendship in a Social-Networked World,” Alex Pattakos asserts that Aristotle knows the “importance of true friendship” (qtd. In Pattakos 210). Pattakos begins his article with a quote that Aristotle once said; “What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” (210) Although, Pattakos begins to argue that maybe Aristotle’s thinking on friendship might be just a little out of date for the “new millennium”(210).

While in the movie The Social Network you watch many relationships start to develop but do any of them follow up with what Aristotle meant when he was pertaining to “true friendship?” With all of the advancements in technology today like Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Instagram, and so on; most people don’t even know who their true friends are anymore and that’s just depressing. Pattakos states that “Yes, we’re losing our friends” (211).

When people really think about it they need human interaction they can’t live without it. It’s like a craving, they just need social, face-to-face contact. When the relationships are based only on social media such as Facebook a person can’t have personal contact with another unless they absolutely know them. “Strangers-as-friends” (212).

Pattakos concludes by uplifting Aristotle, by basically saying more should follow his meaning of “true friendship.” He also says we need to, “resurrect the meaning and value of authentic relationships with others” (213). So maybe Aristotle’s saying wasn’t out of date, maybe this “new millennium” needs to start reflecting on the past and taking advice from our “great ancient Greek philosophers” (210).

Works Cited

Pattakos, Alex. “The Meaning of Friendship in a social-Networked World.” Everything’s an Argument. Sixth edition. Editors Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Boston: Bedford-St. Martin’s, 2013. 210-213. Print.



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