Academic Master

Health Care

The Impact of Fast Food in Children Health

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The argument in this paper is for fast food and its impacts. Ready-cooked food made in hotels and restaurants for selling purposes is known as fast food, made according to the demands of the customers. The trend of having fast food is brought up by busy families, saving their time. “Bowman et al. (2004), p.112” The harmful impacts of eating fast foods have been noted in children. Medical Society Committee on Nutrition from Massachusetts (2006) says that the researchers have examined the close link between fast food intake the increased body weight.

To maintain the nutritional value restaurants have the authority to hire specialist chefs and nutritionist experts who add proper amounts of nutrients from different food contents which may be utilized to treat some illnesses in kids ultimately bettering deficient dietary levels in the body. It is then displayed on the menus which assist the parents in taking the right decisions on what kind of foods to have which will positively affect the health of the kids. For instance, a diabetic kid could have sugarless food.

When conversant choices are made centered on their dietary content, it means that children will end up healthy which infers that he/she has resistance to illnesses, is energetic, and are very cheerful. Some foods if well taken have nutrients that play a role in brain cell formation. This encourages the academic aspect of children and the consequential high enactment in school.

Based on the information above, we can say that fast foods are beneficial in a way but have some negative impacts as well.

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Fast foods are addictive. These meals are also made for marketable tenacities and for this purpose they are prepared in bulk. This diminishes the nutritional content no matter how well they are chosen and thus it may not be suitable for children.

These foods have been connected with noteworthy sicknesses that result from increased sugar levels in them. Overdosing of these foods also indicates heart problems.

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Conferring to Women and Children Health Network (2010), nutrition has some associations with study lifestyles. “Pereira et al. (2005), p.37” Bodily activity is greatly linked with advanced enactment. Fast foods are related to high levels of sugar, carbohydrates, and calories. If used in great amounts, they lead to diabetes and obesity which result in reduced dynamism and concentration. This interprets to decreased enactment in schools. Children being the leaders of the upcoming days should, consequently, be secured from rubbish food as they are dangerous to their future accomplishments and growth.

As realized in the above argument, how good or bad is fast food to our children? Fast food also called junk has its good and bad effects on children. Consumption of these types of foods should, hence, be tested to guarantee the kids are healthy and in good condition physically. Parents should be cautious with their children to safeguard their well-being. Children may not apprehend the impacts of fast foods; they, then, must be directed on the best sort to alleviate some of the side effects.

Since the negative aspects of fast food intake are greater than its advantages, therefore its consumption must strictly be prohibited for kids.

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Center for Food Safety (2012) noted that children who were going through obesity are more probable to suffer from blood pressure and heart diseases due to increased contents of cholesterol in these foods. These may also damage the arteries as a consequence of blockage (Canada Journal of Cardiology 2012).

Rendering to Nature Neuroscience (2010), they unconfined an announcement where they openly said that children who eat fast food end up having awkward eating forms which in the future leads to the difficulties specified above “French et al. (2001)”


Bowman, S. A., Gortmaker, S. L., Ebbeling, C. B., Pereira, M. A., & Ludwig, D. S. (2004). Effects of fast-food consumption on energy intake and diet quality among children in a national household survey. Pediatrics, 113(1), 112-118.

Pereira, M. A., Kartashov, A. I., Ebbeling, C. B., Van Horn, L., Slattery, M. L., Jacobs Jr, D. R., & Ludwig, D. S. (2005). Fast-food habits, weight gain, and insulin resistance (the CARDIA study): 15-year prospective analysis. The Lancet, 365(9453), 36-42.

French, S. A., Story, M., Neumark-Sztainer, D., Fulkerson, J. A., & Hannan, P. (2001). Fast food restaurant use among adolescents: associations with nutrient intake, food choices and behavioral and psychosocial variables. International journal of obesity, 25(12), 1823.

Paeratakul, S., Ferdinand, D. P., Champagne, C. M., Ryan, D. H., & Bray, G. A. (2003). Fast-food consumption among US adults and children: dietary and nutrient intake profile. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103(10), 1332-1338.



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