Academic Master


The Event Of 9/11 Attack

On September 9, 2001, the terrorist attack against the United Nations shocked the whole country, taking the lives of a large number of people. The event of 9/11 had changed the perceptions of Americans about the Muslims. The event of 9/11 is one of the most influential events in the history of America, and it has gone through severe changes after this event. Its impact can still be seen in several aspects of American society.

On the morning of 9 September, the terrorists hijacked the plane and attacked the World Trade Centre and Pentagon, which was one of the longest towers in the world at that time and an integral part of the financial sector of the USA. The damage to these towers caused the ultimate collapse of the economy all over the world. Moreover, the causalities that occurred in the event were from America and other countries in the world.

Almost 3000 people were killed in that accident, including passengers on the jets, hijackers, and people in the Pentagon and World Trade Centre. Terrorists targeted the vital symbols of United States military power and Economy. The effects of this event were observed all around the world.

The event of 9/11 had substantial effects on America, including an increase in security, hatred towards Muslims and negative effects on the health of people, especially those residing or present near the attacks. These effects are long-lasting and somehow permanent.

Now, the government has put more pressure on security in airports and other stations for people’s safety, but deep inside, most people are not going to rely on security to keep them safe. The attack on the World Trade Center has changed everyone mentally and physically.



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