Academic Master


The Blue Ocean Strategy Essay

The industry chosen for the discussion is the mobile phone industry. This is an industry on which competition is based on the price, the size of the phone, the battery life, the SD memory card, the price, screen quality and other factors. The firm becomes competitive when it does well in some aspects, better than the competitors do.

There are various factors that could set apart in the industry. Such include the factors that are key in the competition. Such factors define largely the level and direction of the competition more than others do. Therefore, they have to be considered at all times and cannot be ignored whatsoever. There are however some factors that do not create value for the end product. Such factors include packaging, which does not add value to the end product. Packaging only enhances the attraction to the customers but adds no value to the mobile phones. To add more value to the product, the mobile phones could be differentiated from others by inducing more apps, thus accommodating more activities.

From the final graphics attained, there is not Blue Ocean. Instead, there is the red ocean. In this case, the companies try to outdo each other on the same aspects. Therefore, they try to win the competitive advantage over the other (Kim & Mauborgne 2014). It is for this reason that the trend on the various aspects is the same. The companies face each other head-on in tackling the competition in the industry. They all try to differentiate in the same manner to impress the customers better.

As a recommendation, the companies need to come up with better mechanisms to make the competition irrelevant. As such, the company should invest in more innovative ideas and more creative ways of doing things (Kim & Mauborgne 2014). In this case, it is of no use to compete on the same feature forever. The company needs to invest more in expertise so as to induce a new feature on the phones to capture the market as a whole. This will make the rest of the companies irrelevant.

Works cited

Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. A. (2014). Blue ocean strategy, expanded edition: How to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Harvard business review Press.



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