Academic Master

Environmental Science

Terrain in the United States Essay

The United States of America has a varied terrain which includes tundra, prairie, forests, mountains, and deserts. It causes a lot of natural hazards in the country. Most of the natural hazards being caused by fire, air, water, and earthquakes. The United States has the greatest number of active volcanoes across the world (Twigg, 2012). However different states in the United States experience different natural hazards. In this paper, we will find out which part of the United States is the most dangerous when it comes to natural hazards. The geology of United States gives room for many natural disasters and perils ranging from wildfires, floods, drought, volcano, heat waves landslides and storms. These disasters occur in some counties considered as hot spots for this hazards (Twigg, 2012) .for example most of the volcanic eruption happens in western states, earthquakes are said to happen in the west coast, wildfires are also said to happen in the west while else snowstorms occur in the mid-west.

Florida is considered as one of the disaster-prone areas in the United States .this is because it one of the states that are usually worst hit by the natural hazards A lot of these disasters come from fires where else others come from hurricanes which occur almost every summer. Lighting also strikes Florida than any other part of the country. The situation is worse because even relaxing at the beach is not that safe one gets to be invaded by needlefish or brain eating amoeba (Butsick & Frazier, 2011). The following are various types of natural hazards that get to be experienced in Florida mostly during summer period which is usually the season for having fun

Sun damage

It is very common to experience high temperature and humidity in Miami this is mainly during the summer season. This leads to increased dehydration and some heat-related diseases. Based on the weather channel average temperature during the summer months is in the upper 80s where august seems to be the hottest month. People are advised during this period to carry out outdoor activities during cool times of the day.


Florida is one of the worst-hit counties by hurricanes. The first ever hurricane to ever hit Florida was the Labour Day hurricane of 1935. This hurricane killed a lot of people and destroyed a lot of property. This hurricane leveled all the building and destroyed all the roads. It was later to be followed by hurricane Donna which happened in 1960 this hurricane had a very destructive force, and it lasted for an extended period unlike the Labour Day hurricane of 1935. It passed through Florida peninsula and also destroyed some properties in North Carolina and New York City. It was later to be followed by hurricane Andrew of 1992. This was marked to be one of the worst hurricanes in the history of America (Butsick & Frazier, 2011). It destroyed ten thousand homes and destroyed a lot of property it moved to the south of Florida and also touched the Gulf of Mexico, and finally, it struck Louisiana. In 2004 Florida experienced four storms they were hurricane Charley which was followed by hurricane Frances. At the end of 2004, two hurricanes Ivan occurred one was strong while the other was weak. Lastly was hurricane Dennis and hurricane Wilma which happened in the year 2005.Floridians can only mitigate the hurricane storms by insuring their properties insurers also should offer Floridians discount for insuring their properties to encourage those who have not insured (Butsick & Frazier, 2011). All insurances are required to notify policyholder of the ways they have set to help the Floridians mitigate the hurricanes.

Florida tornadoes

Tornadoes occur at any time of the year. Tornadoes form on their own, but at other time they usually accompany tropical storms or hurricanes .however the weather in Florida produces the strongest tornadoes during May and February. Some of the tornadoes include the Kissimmee tornadoes which occurred in 1998 (Němec, Nigg & Siccardi, 1993). This tornado had winds of between 159mph and 205 mph. They were not that solid, but they killed around 42 people and 250 more were injured. We also had the central Florida tornadoes of 2007. This one struck very early in the morning when people were asleep leading to more deaths and destruction. One of the ways Floridians can mitigate tornadoes is through building a house with resistance materials. They can also come up with evacuate plans and procedures or else they can insure their product.

Florida flooding

Flooding is a common problem in Florida since much of the Florida County lies beside the sea. Rising water at the sea level causes a lot of damage to families, business, and lives. It has also cost the state a considerable loss of dollars trying to mitigate the hazard. Most of the flood is brought about by hurricanes and tropical storms. A mere category two hurricanes can make the sea level to rise six fits above the average level while a major hurricane makes the sea level to rise double the rise caused by a category two hurricane. Heavy rains can also be the cause of flooding in Florida since storms produce a lot of rain very quickly. When the water flows into rivers, it causes the water level in rivers to rise causing a flood in Florida (Němec, Nigg & Siccardi, 1993). To mitigate flooding FEMA has come up with various financial programmes for the community. They have come up with flood mitigation assistance programmes and also the hazard mitigation programme.

Florida tropical storms

Every year Florida is affected by tropical storms and tropical depression. These storms are less intense as compared to the hurricanes. But they usually affect the state’s economy. They are something to worry about because they can develop and become hurricanes. Florida needs to come up with good weather predicting gadgets to help curb tropical storms (Němec, Nigg & Siccardi, 1993). At time’s some are unpredictable therefore the best way to mitigate them is to come up with an evacuation plan or people should be encouraged to insure their properties.


Butsick, D. R., & Frazier, T. G. (2011). Indicators of natural disaster resilience in Sarasota County, Florida.

Němec, J., Nigg, J. M., & Siccardi, F. (1993). Prediction and perception of natural hazards: Proceedings symposium, 22-26 October 1990, Perugia, Italy. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Twigg, D. K. (2012). The politics of disaster: Tracking the impact of Hurricane Andrew. Gainesville, Fla: University Press of Florida.




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