Academic Master

Health Care

Table of Evidence:  Summary of 8 Research articles

Author, Yr. LOE (level of evidence) Research Design Sample Description and Size Intervention Instruments with Validity and Reliability Results/Statistical Evidence Summary/Conclusion

In your own words NOT copied and pasted from the article

LØ R., et al. 2012 III Randomized control Trial 146 patients in two groups The diabetes self-management education system was evaluated as an intervention. This intervention can be advantageous with some more awareness programs. The diabetes self-management education system was valid and reliable. There were no changes in the primary results among the groups after 12 months, nonetheless, the control group showed a rise in A1C of 0.3% points in the sequel. Diabetes information and certain self-management expertise improved meaningfully in the intervention group associated with the control group. Then A sub-group investigation was directed for the quartile with the maximum A1C at starting point (>7.7, n = 18 in both groups). Significant developments in the intervention group by 12-months development for equally A1C and PAM and a tendency for improved results in the intervention group related to the control. The locally established continuing diabetes self-management education plans prohibited an intensification in A1C and may have an influence on A1C in participants with greater A1C levels.


Macdonald1 L., et al.,

































Survey Research design



10 nurses and 18 patients

Video Recorded consultations and Interviews



The consultation time was too long that lacked the concentration and attention of both nurses and patients. The consultation time should be sufficient enough to completely explain a single aspect of diabetes. As diabetes is a multidimensional disease.



Video-recorded meetings of patients and nurses. Interviews.


Both are reliable and valid.



The data proposed that when specifications and protocols were used more openly or with carefulness, nurses are unbound to use a more independent method that is liable on and profound to the confined background of the argument.

However, the data of participants suggested that there is evidently an opportunity for nurses to share facts with participants in means that take more explanation of individual metamorphoses.

Although patients and nurses were overwhelmed, they had conflicts regarding the purpose of consultation with each other.

This study highlights that patients with the same problem should be treated differently in terms of healthcare aspects.

Further, it proposed that the best way to fulfill patients’ needs is with facilities of the healthcare system in the most appropriate way.

However, diligent and skilled nursing is evident, besides this nurses’ efforts are perhaps misallocated in terms of targeting or optimal timing. Moreover, findings also support that well-developed methods must be used by nurses for communication and care management of patients.


Silva DHAL, 2013 I exploratory-descriptive and retrospective study 35 diabetic patients The sample displays significant risk factors for further complications with respect to diabetes, which ought to be a threat to the prerequisite for intervention suggestions that improve treatment observance. Medical charts of patients were used


It was validated and reliable.

The results interpreted that ineffectual health care (n=33; 94.3%); Unprovoked nutrition – greater than body necessities (n=25; 71.4%) and; inactive lifestyle (n=23; 65.7%). The nursing diagnosis interpreted from patient medical charts that: Ineffectual health care; Unnecessary nutrition –; a luxurious lifestyle. Diabetes management (apart from drug treatment) is dependant on nursing diagnoses mentioned above, patient self-care, sufficiently define the human reactions exposed by these patients. The empathy of nursing interventions is intended towards the real requirements of these patients, which allows the improvement of customized and effective treatment. It also expands communication between health personnel and treatment cataloging. However, lack of nursing terminologies in medical charts of patients limited the research.
Vissarion B., 2014 V Expert Opinion, Anecdotal Evidence

Literature Review

// The diabetes clinical nurse

Professionalism is important to the community and to the hospitals to form an association with the patient and family. Thus, health is encouraged to the maximum degree possible.

Questionnaires, direct and indirect activities of nurses’ specialists.


Well-trained, qualified Professional

Diabetes Clinical Nurses offer improved patient

and professional teaching, are more dedicated, are

Good listeners and commiserate maximum with patients. They stimulate trust and create fee a ling of security in

diabetic patients increasing their desire to collaborate. They also aid patients

to change their blunders into education skills

that offer them with precise solutions in handling of their disease.

Nurse who aids parents for taking care

of their kid by giving the exact information

and coaching the skills and methods they want to cope with this chronic disease treatment.

Specialist trained Nurses should also cooperate with parents to confirm continued maintenance of the offspring when they are cleared from the hospital. Therefore, Nurses

expert in this zone is required to teach

patients and potential patients about diabetes,

and deliberate methods for diabetes prevention and management.





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