Academic Master


Stem Cell Development will Continue to Outgrow Controversies Surrounding it because its benefits and further research will serve as keys to overcome them.


Stem cells have the capacity to self-replicate and also to give rise to cells that do become differentiated. These cells are found in three kinds, which are unipotent, multipotent, and pluripotent. Researchers indicate that all three types of stem cells are found in the human body.

  1. Thesis Statement

Stem cell development will continue to outgrow controversies surrounding it because its benefits and further research will serve as keys to overcoming them.

  1. Reasons that Support the Thesis Statement

Because stem cells are self-replicable, they can be cultured. The cells can provide sustainable research material. Because cells are shaped by what they eat, it can be used to differentiate them in different ways, hence researchers can largely control the kinds of cells that they can produce in culture. Researchers have learned a great deal from embryonic stem-cell research. From the beginning, researchers and the public have eagerly hoped to produce particular kinds of cells with defined clinical applications.

  1. Counter Arguments and Responses to Them

Researchers wanted to study the human embryo and replicate it through stem cells which wasn’t allowed by the government and the opposing parties since they believed that it is a human life that is not to be disregarded or destroyed. Researchers needed funding for the human embryonic stem cell but there is a little clash with the Dickey-Wicker amendment. For example, it includes unethicality and that this had nothing to do with science or research.

  1. Conclusion

However, we should allow stem cell research because some of the owners want to donate their embryos for research. It should be supported in a way that accepts the guidelines do not use any federal funding to destroy the embryos and in a way that makes the resulting cells available for research.



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