Academic Master

Health Care

Sports nutrition and energy consumption

Question 1

The components of physical fitness that are mostly considered are muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, individual body fat composition, body flexibility, and muscular endurance.

Locate your pulse (neck or wrist) and take a 10-second count.  Multiplied by 6 to get your resting heart rate. Heartbeat for 10 seconds is 18

Therefore 18*6= 108

Determine Your Maximal heart rate = 220- your age = 220-20=200 beats per min

Determine Your Moderate Training range: 65-75% of max heart rate (this is a range, not a subtraction question) multiply your max HR by .65 and then by .75)

65% level: 200*0.65=130 bpm

75% level: 200*0.75=150 bpm

Question 2

The ability of the body to work depends on metabolism, which is the process by which cells convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy. In some cases, the process requires oxygen to take place (aerobic metabolism), however, in some cases, the process happens without oxygen (anaerobic metabolism). For example, while at rest our bodies rely on aerobic metabolism for energy generation, our body needs more energy as we perform work. Therefore, the body relies on anaerobic metabolism for energy generation.

Question 3

My heart rate intensity is lower while that of my friend is higher. It is like that because moderate exercise should be 50% to 70% of the maximum heart rate. However, vigorous exercise should be 70% to 85% of the maximum heart rate.

Question 4

At the beginning of the exercise, we should rely on fat for energy generation. It will be possible because still needs less energy in the process. When the exercise intensifies our bodies will need more energy. Thus, carbohydrates and fat will both be used to generate energy. This shows that aerobic and anaerobic operations will work in our bodies to fuel us.

Question 5

The relationship between calories in and calories out is called an energy balance. A negative energy balance can result in a decrease in the metabolism process. These will reduce bone mass, thyroid hormones, testosterone levels, and physical performance. Therefore, it leads to weight loss. When I consume fewer calories than my usage in exercise, my body will experience a negative energy balance that will lead to weight loss.

Question 6

According to the website, the calories burned by a person who weighs 155 pounds and works for 20 minutes is 147.

Therefore, the person running at the pace of 6 mph will be:

147*6 mph=882

However, if the pace increases to 10 mph, it will be:

147*10 mph=1470

The more intensive pace is 10mph. Because the person needs a lot of energy to run at that pace, this will lead to the combination of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism processes to produce enough energy to facilitate that pace.

Six mph pace will rely on fat as an energy source because it will require less energy (aerobic metabolism), and the process needs oxygen to produce energy.

10mph will burn the most calories because there is a need for more energy, which causes many calories to be burnt.

Question 7

The recommended range for Wendy’s protein is 1.2-1.4 grams/kg, and carbohydrate is 6-7 grams/kg in body weight.

The recommended range for Elsa for protein is 1.6-1.7 grams/kg, and carbohydrate is 12-13 grams/kg body weight.

Endurance athletes need less energy in exercise. Therefore, athletes will need relatively less calorie intake to be used in this exercise, thus resulting in less carbohydrates and protein.

Strength athletes need more energy to perform this exercise. Therefore, more calories are needed for this exercise. Hence, a relatively higher amount of proteins and carbohydrates is needed.



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