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Socialism in Latin America

In countries under socialism, workers, give authority meaning satisfaction of needs at a personal level. Implementations and formulation of ideas to facilitate operations in a plant office is the work of rank and file. Individuals who get elected to socialist government become in charge of the rank and file. A Socialist government promotes democracy and freedom to its citizens thus making a society economic freedom. Through socialism exploitation of employees by the employer and economic insecurity comes to an end. Countries fight to become socialists which means they get a government that works for the people. Socialism at times brings an end to poverty, racism, environmental disasters, sexism, and bombing using nuclear materials. Socialism is the control and management of workers’ social services and industries, in the whole country’s economic organization basis through the aid of a democratic government. Some countries like Venezuela and Colombia have experienced both good and bad effects of the socialist government.


Hugo Chavez’s election comes at a time when wealthy minority leaders are imposing their desire upon the majority. In 2002 there is a coup attempt and oil industry sabotage through a national lockout. Referendum recall, challenges in the electoral area, and people rioting on the streets but counterrevolution is defeated by masses action. World Bank ranks Venezuela number 187 out of 190 regarding doing business. Countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria which are always at war are better people to do business with compared to Venezuela. Foreign direct investment increase in Venezuela is hindered by a type of socialism known as Bolivarian. Bolivarian reforms interfere with foreign currency controls, regulations increase, nationalization, and rights to own property. The country’s ineffective port system makes it difficult to do business ( Foster and John, 2015). Citizens in Venezuela travel to Colombia in search of medicine, food, and other necessities as it is more difficult to get than in their home country. Venezuela’s collapse of socialism leads many people to migrate to Colombia in search of a better life. Oil prices since 2014 in the state have fallen steadily leads to the deterioration of people’s lives. Senior men and women flock to supermarkets to acquire pure necessities such as toilet paper highlights how far the countries can fail on the economic side. Back in August 2015, Maduro closes Colombia’s borders to prevent citizens from selling their goods in the country. Currently, the Colombian border is temporally opened to avoid illegal entry as some women broke through the edge to sell their products. The country’s military cuts a deal with some Colombian citizens allowing them to trade in the country. Smugglers use untraceable roots by the army to get their commodities in the Colombian markets to earn a living. The country is categorized as a middle-income state which performs better as compared to other countries. The Venezuelan government’s terrible economic policy decisions make citizens suffer to a great extent. Police in the nation ignore crime because they are too busy protecting the government from its enemies. An angry mob currently burns a fellow who steals $5 in the streets from another person, thus using gasoline in broad daylight. (Azzellini and Dario, 2016)


In the early twentieth century, Colombia try’s to become a part of an international communist movement which brings questions about its commitments to the tradition of politics in the country. The desire for the state to join foreign communists brings a significant drift to political disclosure, sensibility, and expression. The relationship of communist international with Colombia socialism resulted in changes. Later ties between communists and Colombia formed, but it is a challenge to adapt to the principles of leaders, liberal practices, and traditions of artisans and the military( Brittain and James, 2015). Colombia has a direct foreign investment that is linked to the United States of America, as a result of a bilateral free trade agreement ratification signed in October 2011. The trade agreement brings a bunch of advantages to Colombia. Free trade zones and special regulations presence result in to increase in-country attractiveness. Colombia has numerous natural resources and a good domestic market, thus making the country prosperous. Colombia’s drug industry has entered into citizens’ hearts and minds. Capitalism and imperialism are the cause of violence and social turmoil in Colombia. The free market in Colombia leads to the destruction of many citizens’ lives, and today Colombia ranks among the most violent place on the planet. United States president Bill Clinton on August 30th visits Colombia to finalize a deal of $1.3billion pledged to the government. More than 300 American troops in command of a senior United States general occupy Colombia to train military soldiers. Armed forces in the country are given the training to defeat ELN and FARC guerrilla groups. The capital of Colombia, Bogotá is too dangerous which makes Clinton not visit it. During the president’s visit many troops and soldiers safeguard him, thus causing the United States escalate its involvement in Colombia. (Stubbert and Rob. Et al., 2015)

Socialism is useful to a country as it enables people to make business decisions according to their needs. When businesses are run by people without government interference, the economy becomes a success thus boosting the living standards of people in the country. Industries of a nation grow through people’s effort and working together as a team. Through socialism, do people have a right to elect or impeach a leader who is incapable of steering the country’s economy? Freedom to people brings them joy and peace. On the other hand, socialism gives people too much freedom thus using it to commit crimes. When the government doesn’t regulate business, they sometimes sell harmful products to innocent civilians as they benefit from profits. The military in a socialist government might overthrow the government. In a country with too much freedom to run things, business-like drug cartels come into existence. Thus socialism should be abolished.

Works Cited

Azzellini, Dario N. Communes and Workers’ Control in Venezuela: Building 21st Century Socialism from Below. Brill, 2016.

Brittain, James J. “The FARC-EP and Consequential Marxism in Colombia.” EMANCIPATORY POLITICS: A CRITIQUE(2015): 95.

Foster, John Bellamy. “Chávez and the communal state: On the transition to socialism in Venezuela.” Monthly Review66.11 (2015): 1.

Stubbert, Christopher H., Stephen F. Pires, and Rob T. Guerette. “Crime science and crime epidemics in developing countries: a reflection on kidnapping for ransom in Colombia, South America.” Crime Science 4.1 (2015): 23.




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