Academic Master


Should You Hire a Proofreader, an Editor, or Both?

Many authors are unclear what degree of revision service they should have when deciding which professional editing firm or freelance editor to hire to evaluate their work. Is “editing” the most important part of a research paper? Is “proofreading” sufficient for editing and preparing a manuscript for publication in a journal? What exactly are the distinctions between the two? While proofreading and editing are two distinct parts of the same revision process, they produce different results depending on the type of document, and writers should be aware of what each service entails in order to make the best decision possible when it comes to completing their important academic and professional work. Luckily, this article will clear up any confusion.

What Is a Proofreader’s Job?

Proofreading is a surface-level check by definition. It is the ultimate examination of a document. Misspellings, incorrect/missed punctuation, inconsistencies (textual and numerical), and other errors will be checked by a proofreader. Proofreading is an important step in preparing a document for publication, as it ensures that readers will not be distracted from the content of the text by errors in grammar, syntax, and formatting. That’s why having a proofreader is essential if you want your paper to look professional. When looking to hire one, you should search for the best proofreaders in Canada, the UK, or the US. You will probably be able to find one through your institution or one of the professional editing services you are considering.


We’re going to focus on the tasks that a proofreader should be able to do. The following list is not exhaustive, but it will give you an idea of the types of things a proofreader should be checking for:

1. Proofreader Will Fix Your Spelling And Grammar

As we already mentioned, one of the key tasks of a proofreader is to check for spelling and grammar mistakes. This includes ensuring that all words are spelled correctly, that apostrophes and other punctuation marks are used correctly, and that verb tenses are consistent throughout the document. You must be thinking – isn’t English just English? Wrong! There are different English dialects in Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States. Unless you want your document to look like it was written by a non-native speaker, you will need to hire a proofreader who guarantees that your chosen English is preserved.

2. Proofreader Will Help You With Word Usage

Another important task of a proofreader is to help you with word usage. This includes making sure that you are using the correct word for the context, ensuring that words are used in the correct tense, and making suggestions for alternative words or phrases when appropriate. Proofreaders often have a good sense of style and can help to improve the readability of your text.

3. Proofreader Will Help You With Style

In addition to ensuring that your words are used correctly, a proofreader can also help to ensure that your text is styled in accordance with the conventions of the publishing house or journal to which you are submitting your work. This includes making sure that the text is double-spaced, that margins are consistent, and that headings and subheadings are formatted correctly. Unless you want to deal with those things by yourself, hiring a proofreader is your best bet!

What Is An Editor’s Job?

Now that we know what a proofreader does, let’s take a look at what an editor does. Editors are responsible for helping writers to improve the overall quality of their work. This includes making suggestions for ways to strengthen the argument, ensuring that the text is well-organized, and helping to improve the clarity and flow of the writing. In addition, the editor must be well-versed in written English norms and standards, editing the text and recommending methods to improve the writing’s quality in terms of style, voice, and natural expression or “flow.” Editors also aim to cut down on wordiness and increase the impact of each word by switching out vocabulary items and simplifying phrases and sentences. Your work will be clearer and more readable after editing, with more exact phrases and terminology, less repetitious and cumbersome language, and overall better and more professional quality.


We’re also going to focus on the tasks that an editor should be able to do. The following list is not exhaustive, it will just point out the types of things that an editor should be looking for:

1. Editor Will Help You With The Word Count

One of the main tasks of an editor is to help you with the word count. This includes helping to cut down on unnecessary words, consolidating phrases, and recommending methods to tighten up the text. In addition, the editor can also help you to determine the word count required for different types of documents, such as articles, essays, or manuscripts.

2. Editor Will Collaborate With The Writer

Unlike a proofreader,  who works independently, an editor will collaborate with the writer in order to get the best results. This includes discussing ideas, giving feedback on drafts, and making suggestions for ways to improve the text. The editor should also be able to offer guidance on how to structure the document and help with the organization of ideas.

3. Editor Will Enhance The Language

Finally, an editor’s main goal is to enhance the language of the text. This includes making suggestions for ways to improve sentence structure, clarity, and readability. In addition, the editor will also make sure that the text is written in a style that is consistent with the norms and standards of the publishing house or journal.

When everything is summed up, our answer is that you should hire both a proofreader and an editor. The proofreader will help you to make sure your text is free of mistakes and that your words are used correctly. The editor, on the other hand, will help you to improve the overall quality of your work by making suggestions for ways to strengthen your argument, tighten up the text, and enhance the language. Oftentimes, proofreading is offered as a distinct service by certain online editing services, but it is also offered as part of an editing service by others. Some, on the other hand, merely provide proofreading services. To put it another way, an editing service can include proofreading, but a proofreading service cannot. To increase the quality of writing, both proofreading and editing are essential.



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