Academic Master

Education, English

Sex Talk

Question 1

Yes, certain sexual behaviors tend to be deviant, abnormal and perverted. A behavior falls into the category of being abnormal behavior when it causes to create discomfort. Such behavior is generally not practiced by many people. Paraphilias and Exhibitionism are examples (Relationships, S., Problems, S). They are medically considered as disorders. Another reason for such deviant behaviors could be the gender identity disorders. Such types of disorders are determined by the cultural settings of an individual. However, the literature provides us a theory which is called the queer theory in the field of gender studies. It tries to target the binaries of male and female in a society. it believes that gender is socially constructed. It believes that the society has created a distinction between the behaviors of man and woman, whereas they are constantly evolving. It is the society which decides what is normal and what is abnormal, but in actual in terms of behaviors there is nothing abnormal (YRSHR, 2018)

Question No 2

No, it is not beneficial at all to withhold information about sex. I believe that if a system of effective sex education is implemented then positive results can be achieved. There are a number of studies which reflect that by providing an effective sex education, the adolescents can be prevented from experimenting sex. For this purpose, the delegation of this responsibility must be imparted to the schools. Effective sex education requires the involvement of a responsible platform. For this purpose, the school can play a pivotal role in imparting effective sex education among growing children. Further, the studies conducted by World Health Organization also suggest that sex education must be imparted to the children having age 12 years or above. it helps the children to overcome their confusions and myths about this topic. They get to know the differences and it can play an important role in controlling the sexual abuses. Also, the concept of good touch and bad touch help them to be aware. Finally, it is better than a teenager is taught properly about the sexual health rather they use other resources such as pornographic material. Finally, it encourages teenagers to become responsible adults rather than engaging in sexual activity (Purdue OWL: Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism).


Purdue OWL: Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism. (2018). Retrieved 19 March 2018, from

Relationships, S., Problems, S., & Education, S. (2015). Pros and Cons of Sex Education in SchoolsOnlymyhealth. Retrieved 19 March 2018, from

YRSHR. (2018). Retrieved 19 March 2018, from



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