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Synopses of Concepts Related to Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Sex, gender, and sexuality are terms that have significant differences. At times, people in society use the words interchangeably. However, these terms have different meanings and cannot be interchanged at any point.

Sexuality is all about romantic or sexual attraction. People attracted to other individuals of different sex are referred to as straight or heterosexual, and those attracted to people of similar sex are called homosexual, lesbian, or gay. Other people are attracted to both sexes and are referred to as bisexual.

Sex is a term used to define whether an individual is male or female. This definition is based on biological facts which include chromosomal composition, hormones, and the physical features that one possesses. For instance, a male individual has 46 chromosomes inclusive of two sex chromosomes, X, and Y, whereas a female individual has 46 chromosomes, but their sex chromosomes are made up of two x chromosomes. However, some females are born with two x chromosomes and one y chromosome while others are still born with an extra x chromosome. Besides chromosomal composition, the sex of a person is determined by their hormonal composition. While both males and females possess estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone hormones, females tend to have a higher level of estrogen and progesterone while males possess a higher level of testosterone hormone.

On the other hand, gender is defined as the features, characters, behaviors, and roles that a certain community attributes to belonging to a particular sex. Different cultures have different gender roles. The interests of an individual can define their gender identity by the way in which they dress, talk, walk, and interact with other people. When an individual’s sex agrees with their respective gender characteristics, they are said to be either masculine or feminine. However, some individuals have a gender that is not well aligned with their sex. Such persons are referred to be transgender. For instance, a female can possess the gender features of a man while a man can possess feminine features.


Gender variants include individuals whose behaviors and characteristics differ from feminine or masculine gender customs.  They are also called genderqueer, gender non-conformity, gender atypical, and gender diverse. In transgender people’s case, these people may see themselves or others before transitioning as gender nonconformity. After transitioning this person cannot be seen as a gender variant. Gender variance can be shown in intersex people.

In gender variance in childhood, a correlation exists between children who portray gender non-conformity traits and them becoming bisexual, gay, lesbian, or transgender. In most cases, people who are gays or lesbians had gender variance in their childhood stages. This gender variance results in child abuse. The children with this behavior are likely to be involved in abuse sexually, physically as well as psychologically. The children who have gender variance, in later life, struggle and work hard to conform. When these children become adults, they feel uncomfortable since their traits do not match their physical and bodily appearance. If these children do not conform to gender norms, they end up committing suicide or living a distressed life. As a result, children need to conform at around 11 years, if this child does not conform he lives a distressed life.

On the other hand, is the sexual or romantic attraction or related sexual habits between same-gender individuals. For instance, a man getting attracted to another man or a lady getting attracted to another lady sexually. Like heterosexual and bisexual, homosexual is part of the sexual orientation classification. The major terms involved in homosexuality include gays as well as lesbianism.. gays are men attracted to other men and lesbianism includes ladies. However, people involved in this relationship do not like being known because it is not according to the sexuality that most communities believe.

Also, an individual can be both homosexual and transgender. A person who has changed the gender from the birth gender can get into same-sex attraction, homosexuality.


Gender variance is viewed and handled differently in the culture of the universe. Culture, as well as gender identity, are linked together, and they determine everyday activities. The culture mostly determines the behavior of both men and women. The culture influences behavior in school, workplace, community, home, and the family setting. Culture determines the mode of acting in men and women. However, cultures in the universe are different, but they share the same characteristics in determining the roles, duties, and tasks for men and those for women.

Most communities handle gender variance negatively. The culture is insisted on without consideration of the different statuses of people. The gender variants are forced to adopt the culture. For example, men are separated and taught their roles and duties in society and how they need to behave. Similarly, women are taught their roles and responsibilities. Men are required to behave in a masculine and women in a feminine way. The deviation from these customs is immediately discouraged and seen as a usual way of acting in the community.

Most cultures assume men are superior to women. This view indicates that men should always remain superior. Similarly, the ladies need to remain inferior to men so their behavior cannot be interchanged at any given time. Men are masculine, and they need to hold to masculinity. On the other hand, women are feminine and are less superior to men. Therefore, gender variance is viewed negatively in most cultures of the world.

However, culture changes steadily and slowly. Many cultures encourage transition before the child gets into the adolescent stage. Though, recently, some other cultures are considering gender variance and fought for the freedom and fights of the gender variants.


The word transgender denotes individuals having gender expressions or gender identities that are different from the expected sex traits of their birth. This term includes individuals who are neither feminine nor masculine, such as the bi-gender, gender-queer as well as the agenda. Further definition involves the people belonging to the third gender. The term transgender is sex orientation independent. These people are not intersex. For example, a transgender person identifies himself as a woman, though he was born a man with male genital organs. On the other hand, a female may identify as a man even though she was born a woman.

The transphobic experience involves negative feelings actions or attitudes towards a transsexual, Tran sexuality, or transgender individuals. Transphobia involves anger, fear, and disgust as well as the discomfort expressed or felt towards non-conforming individuals of the community to the norms. For example, transphobic child victims experience school bullying, violence as well as harassment in foster care, social as well as school programs. Similarly, adult victim undergoes harassment such as violent threats, false arrests, robbery, taunts as well as public ridicule. Therefore, a transphobia experience involves the victimization of transgender or transsexual individuals in a way that makes them feel they are not behaving or living according to the norms or required standards of their sex.

The trans-affirmative experience involves the transition of transgender as well as transsexual individuals through the provision of resources. Tran- affirmative addresses ways in which heterosexism, as well as transphobia, impacts Trans clients, who live in the community. This Trans affirmative aids the Trans individual to reflect on their lives and see their biases and privileges of existing. This Trans-affirmative encourages the victims to join various organizations or groups that stand for their rights and fight societal discrimination.



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