Academic Master

Human Resource And Management

Risk Assessment With Online Interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA)

Reflective Journal And Analysis

Week 6

During this week’s lecture, we were able to learn about the Commonwealth Games Reconciliation Action Plan that took place between the 4th and the 15th of April 2018. At first, I was able to realize that it is known to be one of the major Australian events that are known to have a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). On top of that, there also exist two main inquiries in health and safety. These Senate Committee inquiries were initiated in March with the aim of surrounding industrial deaths in Australia with prevention, investigation, and prosecution. On top of that, the Commonwealth’s role, state and territory Governments in addressing the high rates that exist in patients with mental health conditions, which are known to be experienced by the first respondents, volunteers and also emergency service workers. It further came to my attention that the risk assessment with the Online interactive Risk Assessment (OiRA) entails four major steps, namely:

  • Preparation- It allows for the organization and coordination of the assessment.
  • Identification and Evaluation- It allows for the identification of hazards and problems.
  • Setting up an Action Plan- It allows for the identification of the required measures needed to eliminate potential risks.
  • Report- At this stage, one can then generate a report on the risk assessment results.

With this in mind, the creation of a positive safety culture is an essential factor in a workplace, hence, the use of the Hudson’s HSE Culture ladder that increases trust and accountability. The development of leadership principles and practices also promotes workplace safety and includes the commitment to safety, getting involved, encouraging participation, involving WHS in the business, and finally, reviewing its performance. Also, I was also made aware that psychological hazards tend to have an impact on health and safety, too, considering the presence of work-related stress, fatigue, workplace violence, bullying, and harassment.

After thinking about the covered topics, I was able to understand and come to an agreement with the fact that


Brown, A., (2009). Workplace Health and Safety. The Practice Manager’s Law Handbook: A Ready Reference to the Law for Managers of Medical General Practices, 52-85.

Pfeffer, J., (2018). Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance – and What We Can Do About It. Harper Collins: Sydney.

Quinlan, M., Bohle, P., & Lamm, F. (2010). Managing occupational health and safety: A multidisciplinary approach. South Yarra [Vic.]: Palgrave Macmillan.



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