Academic Master


Religion History


By the orders of the monarch in March, fourteen hundred and ninety-two Jews have to leave Spain. The Alhambra decree has provided many Jews to change their identity, religion and the names according to the situations they face. Luis de la Ysla was one of the members of the Jewish community who has traveled through various regions. The purpose of the traveling was to find some place of living. He has changed his religion from Judaism to Christianity. His previous name was Abraham Abzaradiel. The text about the Ysla was published in the years of the eighteen eighty-five. He faces the punishment according to the available text and the autobiography created by him. There is the possibility of punishment to him over his religious beliefs that were Judaism. The historical finding also reveals that he escaped from the inquisitional trial which other Jews had the face by confessing their original identity.


The nightmare of the fourteen hundred had left the Jews with no option to live on this mortal earth. There were certain positive points of the decree which expels the Jews from Spain. They were allowed to clear the places where they were residing. Some were provided the goods as a show of generosity. However, Christians were strictly prohibited from not helping those Jews and if anyone found doing the practice was confiscated along with the death penalty. The general picture and the scenario of times shows that relationship between the followers of Judaism and Christianity were not strained. Instead, some people have good and cooperative relations with each other.

The story of Ysla reveals that some sincere Christians have interacted with him and he was pardoned over his weakness and the misfortune of born as a Jews. He realizes those Christians that he is a faithful Christian and would remain loyal to the beliefs holding by the followers of Christianity (Aron 2017). He was judged by many during his conversation and the interaction with the leaders of different churches. He was traveling through the number of states in search of the residence and safe living. Those inquisitors who have heard about the confessions of the Ysla have not shown the immediate reaction. They imprison him in the prison of the inquisition. There were around fifty thousand Jews who have converted to other religions. He was along to change his beliefs. The fear of death, prolong punishment and the safe place of living are the main reasons that convince him to choose religions according to the situation and the places.

The decree of the crown included the drastic announcement for the Jews about their faith and their identity. The order and the situation of fourteen century make it impossible for the Jews to remain with their religious beliefs and the practices. On the contrary, the Monarch was trying not to allow a single Jewish person to change his/her identity or religion (Ben 2017). Those who were hard with their religion left Spain along with the places that were occupied by the Christians. Those who have converted towards the Christianity were looked as the individuals that are not loyal to the religion of Christianity. These people have also face the massacre and severe punishments from the state government and the hardcore followers of the Christianity.


The expulsion of the Jews from the state of Spain in fourteen hundred and nineteen two for the establishment of the inquisition has paramount effects on the lives and religious beliefs of the Jewish community. The story of the Luis de la Ysla reveals that how the Jews have suffered punishments and travel for the primary purpose of shelter. Those individuals and the heritage of the Jewish people made difficult and unbearable decision for the protection of their religion and the lives. After the expulsion and historical destruction, the Jews at present are continuously developing the defensive measure to remain the important player in the today world.


Aron-Beller, K. (2017). Fictional Tales and Their Narrative Transformations: Accusations of Image Desecration against Jews in 12th and 13th Century Europe. Antisemitism Studies1(1), 38-81.

Ben-Naeh, Y. (2015). After expulsion: 1492 and the making of Sephardic Jewry.



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