Academic Master


Reassessment, Adjustment And Preparing For Change

Change is inevitable, and it is apparent that no matter the pace, it will surely come in every organization. A few weeks ago, the management noted the uphill task they had in compiling the reports and communicating with the team. Doing the same concurrently was never easy due to the existence of a single line of operation. Clients had to spend a lot of time before their issues were addressed. Ideally, that was one of the significant downfalls experienced by the company, and everything slowly faded away to give the competitors a competitive edge in the market. The change had to be noted, and it was the best ordeal ever. The organization thought of a way to unite the departments and have a faster way of responding to demands. That occurred through the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The system has sophisticated capabilities to multitask and provide reports promptly. Such a move saved time and improved decision-making among the top management.

The implementation of the system brought about a change in behaviour among the top management as well as the subordinates and juniors. First, it is apparent that user involvement was not applied, and the subordinates felt sidelined in key operations. That brought about resistance. Again, most of the subordinates were not acquainted with the system. They needed the training to enable them to operate the same. The result of such processes is demotivation, which was evident among most juniors. However, the top management valued the system since they knew it would cut costs and make certain positions unnecessary. From experience, it is necessary to make every stakeholder part of the given change to reduce the aspect of resistance. Offering training is also imperative to make such individuals aware. Nevertheless, change will surely happen, and the most important step to take is to prepare for it.



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Three Laws of Newton

Newton in his masterpiece Principia explained the reason why planets revolving in orbits are not circles in their structures but ellipses for which he developed

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