Academic Master

Education, English

The modern Reality of Racism

The modern world is the world of Research. Research and development are seen as the backbone of the modern economy, and developed nations allocate increasingly high amounts of funding to research and development departments within them. The highest amount of research and development is allotted in the US, and the states append as much as they can in the Western world and the developed economies for this purpose (Msuya, 2016). However, the states in the worst financial situations have less capability to invest in R&D, which becomes a big predicament for their overall growth. This research in all fields of natural and social sciences is important for the society. Racism is one of the leading causes of many of the problems American society faces today. Factors like economic inequality, high crime rate, alienation of minorities from the main public, and a lot of such problems are caused due to systematic racism (Ullucci, 2006). There is a strong need for debate from a moderate perspective on the issue to solve the problem that causes many others, too. Racism has become a topic that is being talked about in a lot of circles in America, and there are small positive indicators regarding awareness that shows the promise of a more inclusive and tolerant American culture.

Problem Statement

Race issues are a big problem even in the modern world where the global community sees America as the leader of the free world. Still, internally, America is filled with intolerant and racist people. This research proposes a moderate and central approach to American society to implement common sense as the driver of society instead of racial biases. The study focuses on the common aspects of humanity instead of the color, race, religion, and other biases that create community borders (Lee & Roemer, 2006; Mosse, 1985). The project proposes to focus on implanting the common grounds between different ideologies centered on race relations in America. The main argument of this research is that the tension regarding race relations can be moderated if human needs are kept as the priority, and the focus on physical and cultural differences is lessened. Race matters in the current world should not be focused on so much as materialism is the base of modern society. The materialistic gains and peace can only be achieved by ending Chaos.


The systematic study of society with the help of books and articles will be taken up for this research. The research will see the theoretical perspectives on making race and how the concept is defined. The theoretical perspective on race relations cannot be seen without thinking about the existence of the race regarding being socially constructed or a physically present reality (Back & Solomos, 2000). Race is a socially constructed reality that is based on physical differences and almost all societies consider it a point of dissimilarity but making it a point of dissatisfaction and animosity with other people is logically unrealistic. No two people from any two races look the same, so looking different should not be considered a point of deviation from people’s priorities. The cultural differences between black, white, Hispanic, and other minorities in America are not because of the physical differences, but the base of these problems is the systematic fear of people from other races that started at the very start of the contact between the peoples from different races (Sniderman & Tetlock, 1986). In the modern world, there is a complete understanding of people having no difference on the basis of race there should be a focus on how every different person is beautifully different and at the same time can become an important part of the global community machinery. No matter their race, the people contribute to the global economic system and should be treated according to their importance in the world.


The relations between the races in America in the current scenario are at their best in a long history of extremely racially inappropriate history. Black people have the same rights as white people, but the systematic biases and racist past are still haunting the masses because of the remaining justifications for racism. Society seemed to be on the right track until the election of President Donald Trump who has been called a racist and a bigoted person. The new strained ties between the races can be bridged by working on finding common ground and removing the biases from the system like racism in policing. The suggestions of the present knowledge on the subject of racism are that if the new government does not take any extreme measures according to the Republican racist whims, there is a chance that race relations will see a positive and upward trend.


The implications of race relations are quite severe for American public safety. Race relations can make many other related problems dormant that are the outcomes of racist practices. Suppose race relations go up to the mark of idealism. In that case, the relationships between people will become normal, and including black youth in public life will get them into a more normalized scholastic and social environment that will make them positive members of society. The inclusion of all races in the American culture will remove the reservations and concerns of minorities and will build a more tolerant and constructive community. Race relations impede the growth of the American economy and social justice system, and the American nation will thrive without injustice.


Back, L., & Solomos, J. (2000). Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader. Psychology Press.

Lee, W., & Roemer, J. E. (2006). Racism and redistribution in the United States: A solution to the problem of American exceptionalism. Journal of Public Economics, 90(6–7), 1027–1052.

Mosse, G. L. (1985). Toward the final solution: A history of European racism.

Msuya, F. (2016). Research plays a key role in development. Retrieved from

Sniderman, P. M., & Tetlock, P. E. (1986). Symbolic racism: Problems of motive attribution in political analysis. Journal of Social Issues, 42(2), 129–150.

Ullucci, K. (2006). Book Review: Racism Without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States. Urban Education, 41(5), 533–540.



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