Academic Master


Question Answers of History

Question 2

It is possible that the future historian will refer to the current era as a technological revolution. The creation of technology usually aims at discovering undiscovered nature. In this case, human beings are also included. It is in the 20th century that we saw the birth of computers, electronics, space exploration, telecommunication, material engineering, and medical technology. However, the century we are living in today seems destined for extending the benefits of technology to the whole population of the world.

One thing that I learned from technology history is that creativity helps people in acquiring knowledge. The knowledge gained may be about the world, and it may get applied in serving humanity. As technology continues to advance, future historians will require historical learning development of technology (McClellan III, & Dorn, 2015). It is through technology history i understand the natural world. It is essential that technology history gets recorded when it is still fresh since most of the actors are living. In this case, it is possible to separate reality from myth.

In most cases, learners get taught that only one single scientific method exists. It, therefore, means that one has to form a hypothesis and design an experiment as a way of testing the hypothesis. Besides, there is performing the research, recording and analyzing the data. If this is meant to churn out laboratory technicians, then it is excellent. From history, it is evidence that it is through theory, inspiration, and serendipity that there is science. People believe that scientific methods must be enforced to avoid returning to the dark ages. The shallow scientific view can only impede innovation and discovery.

It is through the history of technology that I learn more about the historical development of mobile phone. The approach may start with a fundamental principle. First of all, one learns how the discovery of electromagnet waves was put into practice (McClellan III, & Dorn, 2015). More so, one can continue describing components that make up the mobile phone. It is through desire that there are mobile phones with amazing features. The invention of the cellular radio by Douglas Ring was due to the rapid growth of landline telephones.

In the early 20th century, scientists had difficult times trying to find out what mummies’ bodies looked like (McClellan III, & Dorn, 2015). However, in the 21st century technologies such as x-rays and CT scans are used to see through the wrappings. Through the techniques, much has been achieved compared to the past. The devices have enhanced explorations that were unreachable previously. Some of these may include sinking ships and ruins of Herculaneum.

In the past, historians had to piece together the history by analyzing documents. In this case, the papers were written in different languages such as Greek, Latin, Egyptian, Cuneiform, hieroglyphs, and Hebrew. Therefore, it could take months to find translators who could then re-analyze the data as well as retranslate details that might get lost in the translation (McClellan III, & Dorn, 2015). However, due to the innovation of computers translations is simple and can take just a few minutes. Besides, it can proofread documents for inconsistencies.

I understand that through the history of technology one can remember the limits of our knowledge. Ten years ago household robots and videophones were not yet implemented despite them being economically and technically feasible. However, one should note that it more accessible to build a robot theoretically but practically it is not easy to maintain and design.

Despite the progress that was brought by technology history there are also problems that are associated with it. For instance, technology was developed to curb crimes, but at the same, it made it easier for criminals to escape justice.

Question 2

The four systems of the earth include the atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere. The geosphere is the part of the planet that has minerals and rocks. It may consist of the molten mantle, the solid crust as well as the substantial and liquid part of the earth. The atmosphere is made up of the gaseous layer. The system of atmospheres gets energy from solar radiation. The hydrosphere is made up of vapor, liquid as well as ice. The system includes seas and oceans and all other water bodies. The last sphere of the earth is known as a biosphere.

The biosphere is related to all other spheres. For instance, living creature requires gas from the atmosphere for their survival. On the other hand, they must get minerals and nutrients from the geosphere and water from the hydrosphere. For the living organisms to survive, they must get a medium for life. The adoption of these is from the spheres.

The first four thresholds of history include:

1) Origin of Big Bang Cosmology

It composes the creation of the universe and is said to be 13.7 billion old.

2) The first stars and galaxies

It is composed of complex subjects like a star, and it is 12 billion years old.

3) Making chemical elements

After the second threshold, the universe reminds us to have lots of stars. However, most of the space was empty, dark and cold. At the time, the earth had two types of atomic layers namely helium and hydrogen. None of them was inert since the two were light gases (“Big History Project,” 2018). The thread is composed of the chemical elements that enhanced the creation of complex entities such as people and planets. The closure of the threshold was after the first large star died. Even today the threshold is crossed as stars continue to die.

4) The earth and the solar system

The threshold composes the creation of the earth. In this section, one may be interested in the solar systems’ creations. The objects in this threshold are crucial chemically when compared to the complex stars. The creation of the earth is a byproduct of sun and solar system. The threshold can be traced to 4.5 billion ago.


Big History Project. (2018). Retrieved 15 February 2018, from

McClellan III, J. E., & Dorn, H. (2015). Science and technology in world history: An introduction. JHU Press.



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