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Psychoanalytic Therapy in the United States


The United States keeps utilizing various kinds of therapy to understand behavior. The use of psychoanalytical therapy is still relevant in understanding sexual orientation among multiple stakeholders in the region. Counseling ethics is currently a broad aspect to explore, and the use of the therapy remains a crucial aspect. The bulk of the essay evaluates the effectiveness of the therapy mostly for adolescents. Moreover, there is the exploration of how the therapy helps from the biblical perspective. With the existing from the research, further therapy will get the necessary information to strengthen skills as well as the best platform to minimize any other ethical issue that might arise in the field. Additionally, Christians will bank on the biblical perspective to suggest the best ways of handling religious matters in the church.

In the US, over 40 million individuals suffer from anxiety disorder due to some factors around their environment. The problem is currently a national menace since it is recurrent every year. The daunting part is the fact that the number increases prompting the need to offer the right counseling that will improve the welfare of the population (Goodyer et al., 2017). Psychoanalytical therapy is, therefore, the best since it targets individuals with general concerns on matters related to anxiety, difficulties regarding their relationship or even the issues of low self-esteem. Shyness is also an aspect that needs consideration since it limits individuals from expressing their full potential. Even though the struggle remains on the possibility of addressing such concerns, the focus is also on the ability of the clients to speak freely with the counselor since that will make it possible in finding the cause of the problem.

Sigmund Freud made a significant contribution to come up with the psychoanalysis therapy. The significant discovery came about in the late 1800s. Ideally, the scholar was never a psychiatrist. His focus was on anxiety as well as depression control. That made him one of the competent neurologists of the time. Anxiety, as well as depression, were significant contributors to brain disorder during that time. In the initial stages, the focus was on the use of simple methods such as muscle stimulation, massage as well as hydrotherapy. The strategies were basic and never gave many outcomes (Peterfreund, 2016). Through the help of the advisor Jean, The utilization of hypnosis study proved useful in the instance. The disorders outlined above are psychological. Hence, there is need to use the best approaches that relate to psychology while addressing them at any given time. With much study and exploration, the study currently includes a deeper understanding of the unconscious forces regarding self-awareness as well as the relationship between different forces in any given space.

Psychoanalytical therapy closely relates to cognitive-Behavior therapy since the duo strives to create a balance in mind and improve the welfare of an individual. The latter links to the various psychological interventions banking on the state of mind as well as the behavioral models (Rubin, Dolev & Zilcha-Mano, 2016). Some aspects such as the abnormal development are utilized in such an instance to create a more comprehensive spectrum. In the early stages, the theory never regarded the contribution of the cognitive development in the emergence of emotional disorder. The focus remained the clinical relevance. Currently, there exists a widespread research that explores on the importance of cognitions on matters related emotional disorder. The new developments, in theory, are the reason for the growth in areas such as reasoning, perception, decision making among others.

The first model of modern therapy relates to the psychoanalytical therapy by Sigmund. Even though there have been concerns to abundant the adaptations of the design, it still proves useful in various contexts (Peterfreund, 2016). The use of the therapy tends to expose aspects related to the unconscious thoughts. Moreover, it addresses the various conscious behaviors that feelings might tamper with in most instances. Failure to address such instances might culminate to neuroses. The initial stages of the therapy are demanding since it tends to find the cause of the problem affecting the patient. Having weekly schedules with the patient is necessary. During the initial stages though, it is imperative to have to meet a week thrice to deal with the issue in the most appropriate manner.

At the advanced stage of the therapy, it is not mandatory to embrace the time-honored lounging. The client is allowed to sit on the chair and get the best conform. Even though Freud made many contributions in the design, it is not mandatory as well as to utilize the primary base of the therapy solely on his work. Most doctors serving the same position as Freud can still execute roles meant for the analysts. Additionally, such individuals can serve the responsibility of social workers as well as psychologists. There is no need for training or license for a person to qualify as a psychoanalyst. The most important aspect is the necessary skills that will impact in the field. For a person to be considered a psychoanalytic therapist, there is a need for a license as well as registration with the International Psychoanalytic Association. In the modern society, there is a great shift in the kind of therapy given to individuals. In certain instance, the focus is on petty issues that never contribute much in the field. In other instances, time, as well as bent on training, remain the major constraints. Due to the existence of exceptional research on matters related to efficacy, some insurance firms have come up and willing to pay for at least twenty sessions annually. That never hold waters when there is a proven metal illness.

Therapeutic skills

In the field of counseling, there is the need for some skills that will make it possible to engage clients and get the best out of any environment. The use of therapeutic skills makes it possible to conduct interviews, observations as well as data collection to find the main cause of the problem. It is also imperative to utilize the various educational strategies as well as relationships. Such tend to inform the client and make them part of the decision-making process. Conflict can as well arise in the counseling space. In most instances, the main cause of such a conflict being lack of proper communication. There is need to inform the client on a wide range of aspects related to the course and enable them to present their opinions in varied instances. That is the best way to make them accepted and feel part of the process. Trust is such a hard thing to earn in the counseling field, and the counselor must understand the needs of the client before embarking on any process. That will not only save time but also makes it possible to get constructive results.

Professional skills

Globalization makes it feasible to work with clients from a diverse background. That prompts the need for the right skills, knowledge as well as ethical values that ensure effectiveness in service delivery (Poulsen et al., 2014). The community is key in every instance, and there is need to ensure physical as well as mental growth. New settings can be hard to venture into. Hence, there is the need for high-level skills in managing the various learning agendas as well as self-care. Moreover, such a body of knowledge will help on matters related to critical reflection and self-awareness. The three elements should form part of the learning process. Such includes the ability to think critically, reflection on important matters as well as the ability to evaluate key instances revolving around the scenario.

Useful techniques for the process

The ability to embrace free association is helpful since a person gets the opportunity to speak his or her mind without being censored (Alexander, 1980). The approach ensures the flow of memories, and that promotes sharing to find the cause of a problem at any given instance. The ability to speak freely is also helpful since it enables a person to understand all the feelings related to the action that a person went through at one point. Therapeutic transference is also involved in which there is the transfer of thoughts or feelings that have a connection with figures that seem to be influential to the individual. It is not always obvious, but it is important for the therapist to deal with how people perceive their emotions.

Interpretation is also an element to be considered. The therapist has to read in between the lines while they stay quiet and give you the time to talk freely about everything you remember. This is the manner in which people feel relieved after such a therapy since its nature that people would like to talk out about how they feel or what they have gone through with others who may or may not understand. Such techniques are helpful to put things straight and understand the individual in question with all the resources available at the given time.

Psychoanalytic therapy is more so used by the people who have issues with their emotional states and also the rest of those who want to explore a bit deeper when it comes to their feelings (Lorand, 1946). There is a sense of wellbeing that is developed in an individual by one knowing who they are or who they have been all along. This kind of therapy is even considered to be one of the best types of therapy that an individual should have but is less useful to the people who want therapies so quick, and solution focused.

In conclusion, this kind of work is more suited to the individuals who have general concerns involving their anxiety, difficulties regarding their relationship or even the issues of low self-esteem. Social shyness is also a top to be addressed during this kind of therapy. Speaking freely to a counselor about the issues you are going through establishes a good work for an individual. In most instances, conflict can arise in case the client feels left out in the process. Such an occurrence will thwart the effectiveness of the counseling process.


Alexander, F. (1980). Psychoanalytic therapy: Principles and application (Vol. 1946). U of Nebraska Press.

Goodyer, I. M., Reynolds, S., Barrett, B., Byford, S., Dubicka, B., Hill, J., … & Senior, R. (2017). Cognitive behavioural therapy and short-term psychoanalytical psychotherapy versus a brief psychosocial intervention in adolescents with unipolar major depressive disorder (IMPACT): a multicentre, pragmatic, observer-blind, randomised controlled superiority trial. The Lancet Psychiatry4(2), 109-119.

Lorand, S. (1946). Technique of psychoanalytic therapy.

Peterfreund, E. (2016). The process of psychoanalytic therapy: Models and strategies.

Poulsen, S., Lunn, S., Daniel, S. I., Folke, S., Mathiesen, B. B., Katznelson, H., & Fairburn, C. G. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of psychoanalytic psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry171(1), 109-116.

Rubin, A., Dolev, T., & Zilcha-Mano, S. (2016). Patient demographics and psychological functioning as predictors of unilateral termination of psychodynamic therapy. Psychotherapy Research, 1-13.



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