Academic Master

Health Care

Professional Nursing Guidelines Reflection

Globalization and advanced practice in nursing are growing rapidly, which has impacted the nursing career. The need for advancement in this profession with a new set of roles and responsibilities will help grow both the profession and the quality of work. The policy initiative regarding nursing practice is to give nurses the leadership role so that their work can be efficient and effective. This new role will be achieved through advanced strategies by involving the higher authority’s discretion and implementing the policies.

In the profession of nursing, there is always been direct contact with patients and a little amount of time left to collaborate with higher management. The link between a leadership role and nursing practice is essential because of the direct care and potential in the healing process. This role will enable them to mobilize their own skills and responsibilities on which the health and safety of patients rely. The design of the training given to nurses is focused on the patient, the family of the patient, and those defined by the clinical population. Emphasize that the leadership role initiative is of high quality, which leads to the safety of patients. A few are the important aspects of this role, which include the maximum involvement in the process of quality control, clear and direct communication, setting high standards, monitoring the reasons what is lacking in not providing the expected quality, and supporting other staff in order to make sure the desire outcomes could be achieved.

All these aspects could be achieved through motivation and collaboration by higher management. The problem and challenges remain, which involve resistance to implementing these high standards and training nurses to achieve high standards and maximum safety.

  1. I chose nursing as my profession because nursing is:

The reason for choosing this career is because it’s challenging and interesting, leading to making a difference in people’s lives. The profession of nursing involves a variety of different aspects when it comes to caring for patients and this makes this career enjoyable. The time that a patient and the family of the patient are going through is considered to be the hardest and helping those in difficult times will give a sense of satisfaction.

  1. I believe that the core of nursing is:

The core of the nursing profession involves enthusiasm and vigilance in providing care. It requires the listening skills of patients and their families to figure out their needs and concerns. It requires the ability to provide care not just physically but also mentally.

  1. I believe that the focus of nursing is:

The prior focus of this profession is on the patient. This provides the necessary involvement in providing care to patients and advocating for their health. The focus is on clear communication and understanding of what is bothering the patients.

  1. My vision for myself as a nurse is that I will:

I have a vision that motivates me to provide the best possible care to patients and treat them with the utmost respect by using critical analysis and knowledge. I also aim to educate the patient and their families regarding the procedures and give priority to their desires.

  1. To live out my philosophy of nursing, every day I must remember this about being a nurse:
  • The first thing is to remember patients, treat them with respect, and never forget that they are humans not just the diagnosis. The care for them should be as perfect as possible with my knowledge and skills.
  • The families of patients are concerned about the well-being of their loved ones, and I should educate them, provide them with knowledge, and update them on all the ongoing procedures.
  • I will treat my colleagues with respect, provide my support, and involve them in all the work that needs to be done in teamwork.
  1. My patients are:

My patients are humans and should be treated like humans with respect and consideration. They are in pain and need my help to go through a difficult time.

  1. My patients’ families are:

The patient’s family is the support system of my patient and is concerned about the well-being of their loved one. They should be treated with patience and deserve to know what is going on.

  1. My fellow healthcare professionals are:

They are my team members and coworkers who should be treated with respect. Their knowledge is valuable, and I should provide them with all possible help.

  1. My own health is:

My own health is equally important and should also be cared for because that is what gives me the energy to provide the most efficient and effective care to patients.


McGuire, C., & Ray, D. (2014). Developing leadership roles in nursing and midwifery. Nursing Standard (2014+)29(9), 43.

Dyess, M. S., Sherman, O. R., Pratt, B., & Chiang-Hanisko, L. (2016). Growing nurse leaders: Their perspectives on nursing leadership and today’s practice environment. OJ Nurs.

Scully, N. J. (2015). Leadership in nursing: The importance of recognizing inherent values and attributes to secure a positive future for the profession. Collegian22(4), 439-444.



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