The reduction of the network of pre-school educational institutions and the inability to take in them all children of preschool age, since 2000, various forms of pre-school education have started to evolve, namely groups of short-term stay of children in pre-school educational institutions, and programs for them have been developed. In this situation, speaking of the varieties organizational forms of pre-school education, it makes sense to single out as a special organizational unit “pre-school educational group” (Kwon 479–91). It is necessary to consider the possibility of creating such groups (for children in the age range of 1-7 years, including children aged 5-7) not only in pre-school educational institutions (as short-stay groups) but also on the basis of different cultural and educational centers and additional education centers for children (libraries, museums, clubs, children’s art houses, etc.), as well as on the basis of voluntary parent communities. At the same time preschool educational groups should be able to work in different time modes (with a full or incomplete day of stay, everyday or several days a week), thus meeting the diverse demands of the population.
An alternative/new approach that has been developed/piloted
The creation of such a variety of pre-school groups will allow fuller use of the cultural potential of the society in the education of preschool children (Yoshikawa 1–24). “Pre-school educational group” as an organizational form is more mobile and cheaper than an expensive and complex mechanism of a full-day kindergarten (this does not exclude the fuller use of the kindergarten infrastructure for short-term groups of different types) (Kwon 479–91). It is possible to present a list of possible organizational forms of education for children of senior preschool age as follows:
- full-day kindergarten;
- groups of short stay in kindergarten;
- groups for children of senior preschool age on the basis of general educational institutions;
- preschool groups on the basis of different cultural and educational centers and centers for additional education of children;
- Pre-school groups based on voluntary parental communities.
It is important to note that with regard to children of senior preschool age, it should be the “preschool educational group”, and not the “early development classes” in schools or additional education centers (Sarıkaya 888–94). Preschool educational groups should become independent structural subdivisions of general educational institutions, the main goal of which will be full-fledged development of children of preschool age, the implementation of the general educational program of preschool education in full (Kwon 479–91). In no case should such groups be considered as preparatory courses for children in preparation for entering the first grade of a particular school.
Relevant literature and data
Special attention should be paid to the organization of education of children of senior preschool age based on general education schools. Education in schools has a strict formalization, so whatever qualitative program is used, the process begins to gradually acquire the character inherent in the education in primary school, which contradicts the age-specific features of the formation and development of older preschoolers (Maze 150–55). Because of this, if a pre-school educational group is to be created in a general education school, it should be an independent structural unit organized in accordance with the principles of building an education for preschool children (Bolshunova 377–81).
The organization of education of children of senior preschool age based on institutions of additional education and cultural institutions should take place in accordance with the requirements of the organization of pre-school educational groups provided for groups of short-term stay based on pre-school educational institutions. However, we should not refuse from the opportunities that are inherent in the specifics of the institutions of additional education and cultural institutions themselves, bearing in mind the wide context of including children in various cultural practices (music, dance, fine arts, museum expositions, etc.) (Sarıkaya 888–94).
The education of children of senior preschool age based on family and parental communities is a poorly developed practice in our country; therefore, it requires special attention on the part of educational authorities. To develop the sphere of family education of children of the senior preschool age, it is necessary to determine its possibilities and limitations, the forms of interaction between the family and the parental community with specialists in the field of development and education of children of senior preschool age (physiologists, psychologists, and teachers). Education of older preschool children based on the family and the parent community now does not have sufficient methodological equipment, which requires additional scientific research and a special design of the system of interaction between the parental community and specialists in the development and education of children of senior preschool age (Maze 150–55).
The main models of the education of children of the senior preschool age are pre-school full-day groups for children of senior preschool age based on institutions classified as pre-school education and pre-school educational groups for short-term stay of children of senior preschool age based on educational institutions, cultural institutions and parental communities. Thus, these two models require priority development in order to create equal starting opportunities for children when entering school (Bolshunova 377–81).
Discussion and analysis
One of the main tasks of pre-school educational groups, along with the development of preschool children, is the necessary diagnostic work with children of 5 and 6 years of age, aimed at identifying the level and characteristics of child development, as well as consulting work with parents of preschool children, whose goal is to choose differentiated pedagogical conditions necessary for the development of the child, preparation for school and the choice of the optimal model of education in primary school.
The listed forms of education of children of the senior preschool age can be divided into three models, based on the nature of the organization of the educational process:
- full-day groups for senior preschool children on the basis of institutions classified as pre-school education (pre-school educational institutions and educational institutions for preschool and primary school children);
- groups of short stay of children on the basis of educational institutions, cultural institutions and parental communities;
- Education in the family (represented in the forms of family education proper, carried out by parents, tutorship and tutoring) (Sliwka 1–14).
In the experimental work on the approbation of various models and vavariationrograms for the development, education and training of children 5-7 years in 2007-2020.
The identification of the three main models of the education of children of the senior preschool allows you to specify the invariant part of its organization. In this case, the invariant part itself can be represented by three levels:
- level – basic – the psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of education of children of the senior preschool level,
- level – the basic models of education of children of the senior preschool
- age for two types of pre-school educational groups – full-time and short-term stay – and family;
Level three – specifics of the organization of educational work with children of senior preschool age, determined by the type of institution in which an educational group was created.
A prerequisite for the organization of various forms of education for children of senior preschool age is compliance with its specific requirements (Jakešová 322–28).
The educational process in groups of children of the senior preschool age, regardless of the organization model, should include three blocks:
- training;
- joint activities of an adult with children and
- Independent activity of children.
In this case, the leading role should belong to the second block – the joint (partner) activity of an adult with children. The content of education and the organization of the subject-developing environment must correspond to the age-specific features of children’s development.
Advantages of alternative forms of upbringing and education in preschool education
By 2020, the problem of the child’s placement in a kindergarten in the Perm region should be completely resolved. Now the regional ministry of education works on several directions at once. The project “Preschool education” is being developed:
- One payment of a monthly child support benefit from the regional treasury.
- Two the possibility of reconstruction and construction of new kindergartens is under consideration.
- Three new forms of providing preschool education services are considered.
The governor instructed the regional education ministry to solve the problem completely of queuing in 2020 kindergartens. The project, called “Preschool education,” is now under development and is already being submitted to the public.
In accordance with the project until 2020, in six territories of the region, where the problem with places in kindergartens is particularly acute, 11 new kindergartens will open immediately. Of these, three for 240 seats each – in Perm. Another 13 kindergartens will be repaired partly solve the problem, the governor believes, attracting private business; however, from now on, those parents whose children go to private kindergartens.
One of the most important periods of a person’s life is preschool childhood. Most often, a child at this age visits Kindergarten. Kindergarten – the best place for a child to acquire not only knowledge and skills, but also, most importantly, the first social experience. In addition, no less important is the preparation for school. However, unfortunately, not all children have the opportunity to visit Kindergarten (Jakešová 322–28).
For various reasons, babies may not attend pre-school institutions. Worldviews of parents (religion, their views on education and education), a mother who “still sits with a younger child”, a grandmother who protests against “children’s prison”, etc.
In the garden, the child acquires:
- Ability to draw, sculpt, dance, read, play.
- Knowledge about the surrounding world, about professions, the first mathematical concepts.
– Skills of self-service, social work (remove the bed, carry the dishes in the sink, water the flowers, etc.) - The first social experience, which is fundamental for all further communication.
Thus, the development of the child in kindergarten can be called
– comprehensive: the baby develops both physically and mentally, and develops his emotional-volitional sphere;
- – Harmonious: since the program of education and upbringing of children in kindergarten is conducted taking into account the age, psycho-physiological characteristics of the child (that is, in each age group their studies on duration, load and material). Based on these requirements and we must select an alternative to the kindergarten.
The advantages of such education are that it is almost the same as visiting a kindergarten. The child also comes in the morning, plays with friends, and is engaged in a program with professional teachers, walks. That is, the baby’s need is satisfied in communication, in movement, and in gaining new knowledge, skills and skills.
The negative side is that for parents the day is broken. With such a regime, it is difficult to find a good job. There may be two types of part-time group: visiting a special group in the garden, which is called the “part-time group. In addition, a visit to the usual group, but, in agreement with the educator and the head, in such a regime as convenient for parents (but it is necessary that the visit be combined with the general regime of the group). A visit to the usual group is more preferable, since the child can also be brought up after a day’s sleep. For example, for additional lessons in rhythm or English, which are often in the afternoon?
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