Academic Master

Health Care



Population-based screening is a screening medical examination being offered methodically to all persons in the distinct target group in a agenda of approved policy, procedures, quality management, observation, calculation, and evaluation. Population-based screening is a well-organized integrated method where all actions along the screening way are planned, coordinated, observed, and assessed through a quality enhancement framework. All of these actions must be funded sufficiently to make sure that the benefits are maximized.

The Population Cancer Screening Program is reinforced by the values of access and equality which are essential basics to entirely population screening programs and is planned to deliver supervision and notify judgment.

Background of Population Cancer Screening:

Population-based Cancer screening programs detect for initial symptoms of the sickness or signs that a person has the most probability of suffering the disease shortly. In most cases, early identification of cancer leads to the possibility of an effective cure.

It’s essential to summon up that a screening test does not identify cancer correctly at an initial stage of testing. To properly identify the cancer analysis, further medical examinations are needed to confirm the results of a screening test and to start curing the disease in its initial stage.

Screening Process

The World Health Organization (WHO) outlines testing as the reasonable identification of unrecognized illnesses or flaws with the help of these medical examinations, tests, and other measurements that can be applied quickly.  Screening is planned for everyone in a recognized target population who doesn’t have any indications of the disease or disorder that can be screened for.  The procedure can identify:

  • A pre-disease irregularity
  • early sickness
  • Disease risk indicators

The goal of screening for an illness or a risk indicator for a disease is to decrease the load of illness in the community plus lower the rate of disease, sickness from the disease, and deaths.  This is attained by intervening to lessen the individual danger of the sickness or sensing the disease before on average than is frequently the case in the lack of screening and thereby refining disease result.

Screening can decrease the danger of emerging or dying from a sickness, but it does not assure that disease will not happen, or if it happens, that it can be treated.  A positive screening medical examination classifies people who are at a bigger probability of having the disorder and who require an additional medical examination to control whether they have the disease or condition or not. (Services, n.d.)

The following diagram is the policy analysis triangle that describes the screening path. Underlying the way is the standard of quality assertion at each point.

As screening has paybacks, costs, and harms, there is a moral duty to more paybacks, and less harm, and the whole welfare should balance any damages that could result from screening.  When community assets are used to reserve screening, then there should be some community agreements that the paybacks of screening defend the expenditure of testing.

Benefits include:

  • Dropping a load of sickness on the community and persons
  • Dropping mortality from the disease
  • Dropping sickness from the disease
  • Refining disease outcomes

Damages related to Population Cancer screening may include:

False positives: while the screening medical examination and calculation carry a positive outcome, the person does not have the disease.

False negatives: while a screening medical examination and calculation carries a negative result, the person does have the disease.

Overdiagnosis is a term used to define some types of cancers and circumstances that are created and cured may not have become dangerous in an individual’s lifespan. It does not state as the error.

Other physical and psychological harms: that might be known as a consequence of screening or cure.

Developing a cancer screening test

Population screening programs are only offered to the people when a variety of aspects can happen. These issues may include:

  • Cancer has a high degree of mortality (death) and morbidity (illness) collectively.
  • The test can be used to identify the disease or circumstance in its initial times or shows the symbols that the disease may grow in the future. These tests can be utilized as a warning that the cancer cells can grow in the future.
  • The disease or illness can be cured if identified in its initial stage and the cure is more operative, affordable, harmless, or satisfactory in the early stages. There is a high success ratio of disease if it is cured in its initial stage
  • The screening test is acceptable for most of people because people try to avoid unpleasantly or hurting medical examinations particularly if they don’t have any indications.
  • The program that includes curing the treatment when required must be accessible to the majority of the individuals in the group. (Also called the target population). If the program is not available, then it will be tough to identify cancer cells in their initial stage
  • The objective inhabitant’s group can be communicated from registers preserved in a fundamental register to go through screening. For those who have a higher chance of suffering from illnesses is so-called medical examination after a certain time for example, by sending an e-mail them.
  • The program is cost nominal.

These strict necessities mean that population-based cancer screening tests exist for only three kinds of cancer now cervical, breast, and bowel. However, medical scholars are planning and trailing screening tests for additional types of cancer. New tests could be available shortly.

Population-based cancer screening:

Many population-based cancer screening programs are operational worldwide. Three of them are explained below:

Breast Screening Program: This program aims to identify the initial symbols and stages of breast cancer in females aged 50–69. This screening test used is a mammogram (x-ray) of the breasts after every two years. This program is operational in most of the countries and has successfully identified the cancer cells in its initial stage and saved a life of many.

Cervical Screening Program: This program’s purposes are to detect variations in the cervix that may clue to cervical cancer in women. The screening test which is used for medical examination is a pap test, where a tiny sample of cervical cells is obtained. Women are encouraged to begin Pap tests at 18 years of age and later afterward.

Bowel Cancer Screening Program: This Program aims to checks for initial symptoms of bowel cancer. This program presently asks people aged from 50 to 65 years old to screen. The screening test used is a fecal occult blood test (FOBT), which can be completed in the member’s own home and senses any drops of blood from a stool sample.

Analysis of Success

To expand responsiveness and entrance to upkeep, a corresponding method must be established that comprises enablement and assignation related to integrated, individual-centered facilities at all stages of care. This includes enlightening health knowledge and decreasing cancer stigma. Structuring diagnostic ability and enlightening referral tools can overwhelm common barriers to timely diagnosis. Health-care supplies at all heights of care must be furnished with the ability to recognize cancer signs and achieve or refer for diagnostic medical examinations. Pathology is mainly significant in cancer diagnosis.

The Population-Based Cancer Screening Program was established to notify decision takers of the significant problems to be measured when measuring prospective framework in the World.  The framework is categorized into two parts:

  • The principles which must be used to examine Cancer are whether screening should be offered or a screening program should be introduced for Cancer diseases or conditions.
  • The important principles for the operations and supervision of Cancer screening programs.

Decision-taking relies on some features, with the cancer being directed, the danger for particular cancer in a specific population, and the health system volume and funds in a given country. In parts where most of the patients are identified at the late stage, an initial diagnosis could have a significant influence and can build a better health system capacity. If recognition of cancer at an initial period is possible, it is vital that suitable interference at that time has the possibility to change the sequence of the sickness. Preferably there should be the healthy sign from well accompanied experimental trials that initial treatment or involvement recovers result.

CPC can play a cruel role in the avoidance and screening of cancer, but it is necessary to schematize and establish the role of this center. With the goal of attaining improved outcomes in the initial finding of the most occurrence malignant neoplasms.

Screening programs for cervical and colorectal cancers have more success ratio than others, It is because these cancers are comparatively similar, slow-developing, and often have recognizable predecessors that can be detected easily and then removed, but the identification of the true obligate precursors of invasive illness still remains a challenge for the world.

Challenges of cancer screening programs

Cancer screening has intensely decreased the illness and death rates in the world. For example, after the establishment of the National Cervical Screening Program in 1992, the death ratio from cervical cancer has almost halved and is now surrounded by the lowermost in the whole world. This lowering of cervical cancer was due to the population screening program.

  • Even though the importance of screening, many challenges and difficulties need to be overwhelmed when trying to examine large numbers of individuals in a population-based program, including:
  • Some people may find some medical screening tests offensive, painful, disagreeable, or awkward and painful, and may not be willing to contribute to the program.
  • An Individual may be frightened of medical examinations or processes and escape the screening process overall. Anxieties or worries about a screening test should be discussed with a doctor. It could be useful to go to the doctor along with a family member or colleague for support and comfort.
  • The medical examinations of cancer aren’t perfect. Every test conveys a small danger of giving a false negative. There is also a minor risk of giving a false positive. This can result in pointless concern and offensive tests such as a biopsy. Some of these tests could carry a small but typically significant danger of side effects or problems.
  • Every test also conveys a small danger of overdiagnosis, which states that the diagnosis of sickness that will never cause signs or death during the individual’s lifespan.

Types of Population cancer screening programs

There are three methods for the detection of cancer that include:

Mass-based (population-based) screening: In this mode, all the people of a definite age group is examined for cancer, and if cancer is identified, treatment is started instantly; an example is the cervical cancer screening

Selective screening:  In this method screening of specific groups of people is made in high-risk categories. These people have a high risk of diseases and should get a medical check-up after every six months to 1 year. Example is a genetic screening of those individuals who have a strong family background of breast cancer

Opportunistic screening: In this method, screening tests are offered to those people who are patients of some other diseases and have a higher probability of suffering from other diseases. They are also cured of other diseases and as part of a regular medical examination. An example is genetic screening tests that are offered to those people who have a recognized family background of breast bowel or skin cancers.

The Screening test Policy

The screening medical examination must be adequately accurate to sense the situation prior to the deficiency of testing. There must be high precision in the result and is measured by bearing in mind the compassion and specificity being used in screening examination. Precision is essential in the screening test. Sensitivity states the capability of an examination to properly classify people who have the disease or the chances of illness or not. i.e., the percentage of individuals with the disease at the phase of screening who have a positive screening test.

Specificity describes the capability of the examination to accurately classify those people who do not have any disease to the individual who has. A medical examination with a poor quality of tests will result in a higher ratio of false positives (healthy individuals will wrongly test positive and may be the matter of more offensive diagnostic testing). (McConnell, A. 2010).

Another valuable characteristic of a screening examination is the positive predictive value (PPV), which is the probability of having a disease if the screening test is positive (i.e., true positive). PPV is calculated by the sensitivity and specificity of the medical examination and whether the state or condition is common or not common in the society needs to be screened. In the situation of breast cancer screening, for example, the PPV signifies the total number of cancers identified as a percentage of women who have been recollected for additional inquiries after mammography screening. (Buse & Walt, 2012).


Figure 1

The Policy triangles presented in Fig. 1 demonstrate that some components drive the health policy. Health policies are formed by and takes contribute to the situation, the use of control through inspiration or capitals, and by interior or exterior issues that might seem dissimilar to the policy procedure itself.

Actors discuss individuals, organizations, or the state, and their activities significantly affect health policy. All actors have their specific benefits and programs. Examples of actors include individuals, international NGOs, national NGOs, pressure/interest groups, international organizations, bilateral agencies, funding organizations, private sector companies, and the media.

Context means methodical factors that include administrative, financial, societal, or traditional, both nationwide and worldwide. This could influence health policy.

Content is the substance of a particular policy that details the subjects and topics covered.

The process is the way in which policies are started, advanced or framed, converted, interconnected, applied, and appraised.

Lastly, the screening test should be acceptable to the people and cause negligible anxiety, or individuals in the screening plate form will be little. For example, several women discover having a Pap test painful or awkward and are then under-screened. Considerable resources are therefore mandatory for enlightening movements to inspire women to undertake Pap examinations. Less number of women have complained about the pain or anxiety which goes through mammographic screening. Funds should be dedicated to radiographer training to cater to this matter.


Population Cancer screening helps the identification of cancer in its earlier stages. Early detection of cancer usually raises the probability for a prosperous cure by concentrating on distinguishing symptomatic patients as soon as possible. Postponements in retrieving cancer care are common with last stage presentation, principally in lesser resource situations and susceptible populations. The significances of slow or unreachable cancer care are a minor probability of survival, better morbidity of cure, and more costs of care which results in preventable deaths and incapacity from cancer. Early diagnosis can lead to the recovery of cancer and hence results from providing treatment at the initial stage. It is a significant public health plan in all sceneries.


Services, D. of H. & H. (n.d.). Cancer screening. Retrieved August 23, 2017, from

Buse, K., Mays, N., & Walt, G. (2012). Making health policy. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).

McConnell, A. (2010). Policy success, policy failure and gray areas in-between. Journal of public policy, 30(3), 345-362.



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