Academic Master

Global Politics

Politics and Human Beings Essay

The natural interaction between human beings and politics is irrefutable. Politics has graduated to become an ordinary part of life. From the influence of elections and societal policies to in-house politics of anthropology. It affects both the economic and social factors of everyday livelihood. Therefore politics is a major area of study within History and Anthropology

Economically, politics has played an important role in history. It has driven communities and individuals to be innovative, expand and explore where necessary. For example, leaders have developed economic theories that have impacted on people and events worldwide. There was also the introduction of agriculture and development of trade. Introduction of global and local trading blocks and organizations like the United Nations and the European Union also affects member states economy in terms of trade and economic partnership the rise and fall of dictators, emergence of revolutions and political revolts also affects the economy of nations thus affecting people directly. Countries experiencing inadequate peace and stability due to continued internal fighting and terrorism experience economic downfall. These political factors affect the economy both directly and indirectly.

Socially, politics has featured prominently over the years. Customs relating to gender roles, family and kinship have been in existence for years. These include the debate on the place of the female gender in the society. There is also the separation of society into economic and social classes or strata, with the decision makers being the minority rich while the majority poor being the subjects (Samuel, 2016). Tribal and racial differences has also played a huge role in politics and society. For example, the historical racial differences between the Jews and the Nazis led by Adolf Hitler had an impact worldwide causing the buildup to World War 2 (Samuel, 2016). The Jews were displaced and remained nationless. Racial and tribal cards have also played a role in the current day politics of democratic nations. Population growth has also led to migration of people and creation of new human settlement arrears and displacement of others.

Over the years, people developed governments to assist them in providing leadership and to represent them. The governments exists in different forms depending on a people’s choice. These forms of governments include democratic, dictatorial and autocratic among others. Between 14th and 19th centuries saw the growth of empires and kingdoms, the collapse of some and expansion of others. The nations that were conquered were forced to adjust to the form of governance introduced by their colonizers (Edwards, 2016). For example, the European invasion of Africa saw the abolishment of traditional hereditary chiefdom and the introduction of administrative heads to replace them. Boundaries were also created to separate different occupants of different areas with different political heads, and this led to the emergence kingdoms and nations. The above constitute politics, making it a major area of concern in the study of History and Anthropology.

In conclusion, politics is a major area and part of human life. It has existed for long time having an impact on both economic and social aspects of societies as most of the choices human beings make are directly or indirectly affected by a political decision. This makes politics a them a core part of the study of History and Anthropology.


Edwards, E. (2016). Photography, anthropology and history: expanding the frame. Routledge.

Eriksen, T. H., & Nielsen, F. S. (2017). A history of anthropology. Pluto Press.

Samuel, R. (Ed.). (2016). People’s History and Socialist Theory (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.



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