Academic Master


Passengers and Airlines Essay

In the recent past, there has been a looming conflict between passengers and airlines; these conflicts come in place due to poor customer service, delayed flights, undocumented extra payments and other problems which can be solved easily. Most of these airlines have put forward their own interest to gain profit and record many hauls per year; this makes them forget that it’s within the customer that they can achieve all these. In many ways the customers have even started losing their expectation each and every time they use airlines, this comes due to their continued disturbances and late notifications that come when they are not prepared; some of these cost those customers who had business appointments. Hence frustration sets in as that will make them miss the connecting flights to their final destinations and make them spend a little more, this also culminates to luggage handling and payments without notice and becomes distressing when loses their luggage while in a journey. This has led to most negative reviews from the customers on airlines service satisfaction, according to the Department of Transport (DOT) the year 2009 recorded the most drop in flyers all attributed to poor service or harassment in the airlines. Even though some of the problems have been dealt with those that remain still are very vital in messing up a company and its operations.

Southwest airlines have been thriving in the airlines sector and have always remained afloat when others sink in daily customer complaints and dissatisfaction on almost each day (Reed, 2018). The company has cheap tickets and it has been making good profits with the capacity of customers they handle each time. Their financial performance and customer ratings have been high and the employees have not forgotten their social responsibility all the times. Although some may argue that cheap ticketing makes it better that’s not the case, Spirit airlines the ultra cheap airlines has been lagging behind thanks to customer dissatisfaction (Vasel, 2017). According to CNN money reducing the ticketing price does not work at all rather than fulfilling their expectations.

Generally customer satisfactions has to be put in the fore front in each aspect so as to attract good ratings and make profits, as its in the customers that a company makes its revenues. The following are some of the customer issues and how they can be handled so as to boost performance in their daily operations. Extra luggage costs this is another major problem making one pay extra money for their luggage as they didn’t know standard weight required, losing of luggage and improper handling. These problems can be avoided by notifying customers on their tickets what weight is required for free and how they charge per extra weight, also inclusion of tag number on these luggages makes it better for identification with the chauffeurs and airport operators can easily use your ticket as a security to get the luggage.

The case of rude personnel who are mostly unhelpful needs to be rooted from the time of recruitment and regular reminder and refreshers on the importance of making a customer’s journey great, these reminders will put the personnel on toes as they know what will befall them if they can’t make it happen. This also rounds off to handling of serious and critical issues like dressing mode from customers or delayed flights, here the power of communication plays a lot; such as arrangements should be made on how to keep in touch with customers as in the case of Southwest Airlines they do transparent communications on the situations on the ground and one on one chats with customers to calm them down. Hence a passionate crew will be of much help as they will be enthralled on the customer responses each time, and employing some humors not that strict tone to the customers (Tell us international, 2017).

In conclusion these problems do vary in many ways and customers always expect you to know almost everything, therefore it will be of much luck if your systems of operation and satisfaction not to be rigid like following long channels in a case of an emergency. Being flexible will make you achieve more from learning on the daily basis to accomplish.

Works Cited

Reed, D. (2018, March 7th). The Best And Worst U.S. Airlines Based On Price Vs. Performance. Retrieved April 20th, 2018, from

Tell us international. (2017, July 20th). Improving Customer Satisfaction. Retrieved April 20th, 2018, from

Vasel, K. (2017, April 25th). America’s least favorite airline . Retrieved April 20th, 2018, from



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