Academic Master


Paraphrase Guide

What is Paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing is an important step in writing when we have to formulate the ideas of others in our own words without changing their contextual meanings. It is an alternative to quoting, where we use a direct quote from someone and put it in quotation marks in our writing. However, plagiarism is more encouraged because it shows a profound understanding of the writer and increases the readability of the paper. But it is also important that the exact words and sentence structure of someone else’s work are used as minimum as possible to avoid plagiarism and any copyright issues. This is the best paraphrasing tool available online, which can easily rephrase sentences and avoid plagiarism.

Tips for Paraphrasing

  1. First, read the paragraph many times to fully understand its meaning.
  2. Make separate notes to list down the key concepts of the passage
  3. Now right the whole new passage by keeping those key points in mind without looking at the original passage. However, the length of the paraphrased passage should be the same as that of the original passage.
  4. Compare both versions and then make minor adjustments if necessary to avoid any unintentional use of the same words or phrases.
  5. Provide proper in-text citation of the source

Example 1

Original Text: “It is, therefore, important to retain the distinction between domination and power. Politics and power are not things that are the exclusive concern of the state or the property of an individual, ruling class, or group.” (M Michael Rosenberg & Al, 1987).

Paraphrased Text: In this regard, the difference between domination and power is significantly important to retain as politics and power are not the exclusive right of the state or ruling class or even the individuals’ property.

Example 2

Original Text: “This suggests that humankind has not altered very much since they were coined.” (William, 2018).

Paraphrased Text: This shows that humans have not changed themselves since the emergence of these concepts.


Brogan, H. (2018). Government | Definition, History, & Facts. In Encyclopædia Britannica.

M  Michael Rosenberg, & Al, E. (1987). An Introduction to sociology. Methuen.



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