Linda Starts hers essay by advancing an industry that no woman had ever taken before. Her aim in writing the article was to answer why there has not been great women artist. This feeling is what makes her take a different stand from most of today’s activities. Instead of taking her arguments to appeal for her emotions, she chooses to utilize art to give out a chronology of and historical analysis of the whole issue. She believes by advancing and talking about the woman problem in the current world will open platforms to discuss other issues that no one is willing to talk about in fear of being ridiculed or fear of losing the arguments (Nochlin, 2015). According to Linda, the problem is not the women, it is the institution that is not giving women chance to show their abilities and talents.
Linda Starts by the religious conceptions of the roles played by artists. Great artists had stories about their success in the art industry romanticized so as to fit into the odds. But she asks a question, does it mean that women don’t have this talents and genius brains to help them succeed in the industry? She also points out the fact that there has no great artist has come from aristocracy. Does it mean that aristocrats also lack talent and the genius brains that make other male artist prosper in art? It is therefore evident that the problem is that women have not devoted enough time to pursue art. In addition to that, Linda also covers the issue of women being presented with limited opportunities to venture into the art industry. One needs a lot of training so as to better his or her skills in art. One specific aspect is training how to play a nude scene. But this practice is denied to women. Linda compares this to a student taking a medical course but could not be allowed to dissect a naked human body (Robinson, 2015).
Apprenticeship is considered to be a key to success in the art industry but women are denied the opportunity to participate thus leading to inevitable failure.
Linda also addresses the written art. Regardless of the fact that there are no educational skills required, women could not advance their talent in writing because of the ever present male domination in the society. In addition to that, women who prospered in art were considered not feminine and therefore could not be married for her proficiency in other field could create distraction in her marriage life (Robinson, 2015). A woman’s life must be devoted to her family at all times thus not giving her time to pursue her talent.
But still there are a few women who have made progress in the visual and written industry. This is possible as they have received help from male artists who are willing to help them. But regardless of that, the women had to deal with a lot of isolation in the society and the art industry and thus forces them to develop masculinity and independency of speech a move that is never easy to advance (Nochlin, 2015). Through this arguments, Linda proves that the reason why there are no great women in art is not because of their weakness but because the institutional systems do not give them an opportunity to try and advance their skills.
Nochlin, L. (2015). From 1971: Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? –. ARTnews. Retrieved 19 April 2018, from
Robinson, H. (Ed.). (2015). Feminism Art Theory: An Anthology 1968-2014. John Wiley & Sons. (Robinson, 2015)