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Education, English

Negro Meaning Essay

Negro is a word used to refer to the black people in the United States. Most black people in the United States were slaves during the colonial era. Black people were removed by white men in Africa to go and work on their farms. The main political parties (Capitalist) in America are Republican and Democratic. When a politician from these party is holding campaign they have agreed not to address any matters regarding Negros’. The Workers Party of America (Communist) has come out with their head high to hold campaigns addressing the Negro problems of social and political equality and discrimination. States in the southern side are disturbed by communist party organization of Negro masses to call for social and political equality (Washington. 2015). The campaigns are widespread, and papers are distributed everywhere to call upon black people to gather and fight for their rights. The communist spokesperson promises the Negro to tackle their problems which causes the meeting to be cut short in the city of Arizona Texas, a meeting that has attracted a big number of Negro.

The organs of government terrorism and the police gather in every state raging war against communist as it’s the only party addressing the Negro question. The campaign in 1928 for communist addressing the oppressed Negro masses makes the speakers, organizers and those vying for president, vice president and governor position put in prison. Communist party drafts principle demand for the Negro masses that are oppressed citing: the end of racial discrimination thus granting Negros’ full social and political equality. Jim claws law of Negros to be abolished which denies them the right to sell and rent apartments. Allow children that are black to attend both public schools and public universities. Allow intermarriages between the Negros and the white people. Give equal treatment to the Whites’ during employment for example wages, working hours and working conditions. Allow the Negro to be heard in court. Allow the black people to dine in restaurants same as the white people. Allow the Negros to become members of trade unions.

The white people have put measures in place to bring a solution to the Negro problem. The government of America can decide to send back Negros ‘to their home country known as repatriation. The case of repatriation once happens in Liberia where their citizens residing in Ghana have returned the motherland. Negro mass action to demand equal rights the white settlers may opt to return the black people to their motherland, Africa. This may give the white settlers a peace of mind in their own country. The Liberian that is returned to their motherland complains that living as refugee life is better than their country. The black people in America have food and returning to Africa may experience hunger and finally die. The Negros should appreciate what the white man give them to buy their stay in America. (Washington. 2015)

Arming white settlers will bring fear among the Negros and also lead to mass murder. Some Negro are stubborn and brave, at the time the white man is away will find a path to the house and steal the guns. The presence of arms will lead to spilling the blood of innocent people, women, and children. Guns make the white settlers feel safe as they believe black people will harm them and take away their properties.
The presence of police to keep an eye on the Negro is going to reduce mass action against discrimination and to call upon equal social and political rights thus bring peace to the streets. Both night and day patrols reduce Negro movements thus making sure no meeting to plan on mass protests in the streets.

Essay Question

The United States of America has made the Caribbean be a democratic country by abolishing laws set by rulers who acquired power by using force. Militaristic and authoritarian leaders’ creation has not been possible due to United States involvement. The United States military officials remove all senior officials from the Dominican Republic. American prevent USSR from taking control of Caribbean back in 1980’s. Communism is much opposed by Americans. Thus this makes them use full force against USSR ruling Caribbean’s’. During world war two, Caribbean commission is established to help build roads and boost the production of food. United stated brings well-trained teachers to help citizens get equipped with an education. (Loyd, Mitchell-Eaton, and Mountz. 2016).

The Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, good neighbor policy and alliance for progress are introduced by America to make the Caribbean a better place and to make number one priority. Health clinics are built in the Dominican Republic. Back in 1983, Americans forces invade Grenada. As a result impeachment of ruling government, thus bring criticism among citizens as to the role they play. Caribbean’s adopts the Americans culture and spread it in their communities and also live peacefully with Americans. The presence of military brought stability to democracy and the government but didn’t last for a long time, even today the unstable government and democracy still exist.
In Cuba, Americans enabled the repairs of building and proper development of the school systems. Railway in Cuba is built by the United States and them better the collection of tax through improving the systems. The military presence in Cuba stabilizes democracy and government for a short period, thus today stable democracy and government does not exist.

The goal of United States is to free Puerto Rico from Spain and Portugal rules. Some Americans become citizens in the country. The United States appoints a governor in 1917 and passes a law that makes it illegal to display the country flag in public. Later the Puerto Ricans are allowed to select their governor and law about the flag lifting is lifted. In Puerto Rico, back in 1940’s the American starts program to build industries.
The assassination of Haiti president leads to political tension thus makes President Woodrow Wilson send military troops to calm the situation. Conflict in Haiti leads to the signing of a treaty that gives United States control over Haiti’s military and finances (Loyd, Mitchell-Eaton, and Mountz. 2016). Citizens in Haiti did not accept the Americans involvement and bring the protest to the street against the use of force and occupation. American aim is to stabilize the country economy and government. Haiti occupation of the military make democracy and government to be stable but after a while instability begins and affects the country even today. The American manages to stabilize the country’s currency and build good roads network to allow transportation easy and possible. Americans relation with Haiti has not improved, and many oppose has come.
Americans involvement in Haiti, Cuba, Caribbean and Puerto Rico has yielded many benefits to the country government and economy at large. The United States prevents a citizen of these countries to be exploited by other countries like Russia, who would have used them for their benefit. Education to children and people is available thus steering the economy of the country forward. Americans establish industries like sugar factories that bring employment opportunities to people. The building of roads makes it possible to transport raw material from the farm to the factories. Roads enable citizens to move to places like market located in towns to buy what they need. The peace that military keep brings a stable economy and aversion of deaths to innocent children and women in the country.


Loyd, J. M., Mitchell-Eaton, E., & Mountz, A. (2016). The militarization of islands and migration: Tracing human mobility through US bases in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Political Geography53, 65-75.
Washington, B. T. (2015). The Negro Problem. Krill Press via PublishDrive.



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