Academic Master


Moral lesson by Edith Wharton in her novel Ethan Frome

The main moral lesson taught by her in this novel is that there are some obstacles to fulfill the desire of individuals in the society or in this world and those are the morality and society itself. The desire of Ethan is to cheat her wife and he wants to marry to another woman but just because of the society and happiness of family he is not able to do so.

The contradiction does not stalk from inside of Ethan own heart including his own feelings for Mattie that can’t be denied never waver. In its place, the struggle occurs among his desires and the limitations employed on him through the society that is the controller of his morality and hamper for the fulfillment of his desires.

So the society is biggest hurdle for the fulfillment of desire and people used to hide them just for the sake of society. In the novel this thing is described again and again that social convention is one of the main thing that is controlling the desires of Ethan.

The technique used to convey this lesson to the readers is glowing and youthful attractiveness in that lady with whom he wants to marry. She is using some instances as a technique to convey this message that society is the biggest hurdle that restrict someone to fulfill their desires.

For instance one night Ethan was all alone with Mattie at home but he did not try to talk to her and remained on his duty just because of the norms of the society.

Finally, Ethan chooses the battle among his wishes as and social as well as moral guidelines. Needing the bravery and power of will to face down their power, he selects to wildness burdens of life by deserting life itself (Springer, 1993).


Springer, M. (1993). Ethan Frome: A Nightmare of Need. New York City: Twayne Publishers.



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