Academic Master

Education, English

Essay on Monkeys

Monkeys are common animals that are present in almost all the continents. Monkeys range in size and adapt to different environments with specific features that make it easy to adjust to their habitats. A monkey is a primate that is characterized by the natural tendency to walk with two limbs and an upright body. The monkey has two legs and hands with five fingers and toes in each. Monkeys are considered intelligent just like humans even though they cannot run swiftly, see or hear compared to other animals. Primates comprise of two suborders with the monkeys being associated with Haplorrhini suborder, which is known for their dry noses. This suborder is further divided into two infra-orders of Simiformes and Tarsiformes. Monkeys are Simiformes and are further divided to the places of origin in the world. The new world monkeys are those that are found in South America while old world monkeys are mostly found in Africa. These monkeys are closely related even though they have unique differences (Rylands & Mittermeier, 2014).

Monkeys are traditionally known to live in forests where there is a huge number of trees. Monkeys love living on trees even though some monkeys are found in savannahs. Some monkeys can adapt to both kinds of environments. Evergreen and mangrove forests are where monkeys are found in large numbers since these environments provide food and the right environment for breeding. Over time, monkeys have been able to adapt to new changes in the environment. Human activities have reduced the habitat of monkeys and as such have adjusted to suit to new environments. It is common not to find monkeys in places they used to occupy before and fins them in new environments (Zuckerman, 2013).

Monkeys move through the tree and on the plains through their powerfully developed legs and hands. Monkeys can swing over trees and can jump from one tree to the other. Monkeys can also hang on trees using their tails through the legs and the hands control most of its movements. Monkeys live in forests with tall trees, most of their food is found in treetops, and as such, they must jump from tree to tree in different branches collecting and eating food. On the plains, monkeys walk and jump, but most of their movements combine walking and jumping. The powerful rear and hind limbs allow monkeys to move in their environments (Rylands & Mittermeier, 2014).

Monkeys are unique just like humans, and their anatomy is compared to that of humans though there are major differences. The body of a monkey is agile designed to give the strength and speed to evade their predators. Their legs and hands are long allowing them to climb trees and jump to different branches. Monkeys have toes and fingers with fingerprints just like those of human their thumbs are developed, and young monkeys have been captured suckling their thumbs just like humans. Monkeys have good vision with their eyes located in front of their faces. Research shows that monkeys see in black and white though some can differentiate colors. Their nostrils could be narrow which give them the sense of smell to identify one another. Monkeys have developed a sense of hearing due to their develop ears. The presence of tails in their body gives them balance while moving. The body of the monkey is covered with hair while their DNA is developed just like those of humans (Ciochon, 2013).

Monkeys are omnivores and eat what is available in their environment. Monkeys eat a combination of plant and animal meat. Most monkeys eat fruit, nuts, insects, seeds, flowers vegetables, and leaves. Majority of monkey diet is found in the forest and as such roam from tree to tree in search of wild fruits and flowers. Monkeys move from one place to the other in search of food and different seasons offers different opportunities for monkeys. Monkeys can also eat bananas and domesticated fruits provided by humans who usually interact with monkeys. Since monkeys are harmless, their interaction with humans allows them to access other kinds of foods (Zuckerman, 2013).

Monkeys mate for procreation even though their mating practices are complex. Just like humans, monkeys display unique and weird mating practices. Females in most cases choose their mating partners with stronger features, which can be transferred to their offspring. Female monkeys choose mates with different genes that can guarantee healthy young ones. Monkeys can additionally mate for fun just like humans though the majority of the mating practices are aimed at extending the generation. Monkeys maintain close family ties, and as such, they desist from mating with close family members (Ciochon, 2013).

Monkeys are intelligent animals who can easily socialize and integrate with humans. Their intelligence has seen humans having monkeys as pets. Monkeys display unique behavior where they can be trained to perform some activities with the instructions of humans. Their non-violent behavior allows them to create unique and tight bonds with humans which sees them being kept as pets. The fact that they can express themselves makes it easy to communicate with humans. Monkeys have good hearing abilities and can take up instructions.


Ciochon, R. L. (Ed.). (2013). Evolutionary biology of the New World monkeys and continental drift. Springer Science & Business Media.

Rylands, A. B., & Mittermeier, R. A. (2014). Primate taxonomy: species and conservation. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews23(1), 8-10.

Zuckerman, S. (2013). The social life of monkeys and apes(Vol. 62). Routledge.



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