Academic Master


Some misconceptions about Introversion

An introvert is someone who prefers to sit at home listening to music or doing his or her own on his or her day off. Thus, introverts are persons who normally feel drained of their energy by socializing and recover their energy by spending time alone. They do not like to make public shows, and not that they can’t be good at it; it is because they like to focus their energies within. Contrary to introverts, extroverts love to explore new friendships and create new contacts; thus, they focus their energies on socializing. For instance, extroverts are partygoers who like socializing in their free time. We all fall under to either side of the spectrum, i.e., introversion and extraversion. Thus, we are introverted and extroverted in some way. Some may be more introverted than extroverted, and some may be more extroverted than introverted. Therefore, those people count much introversion within themselves, so the term “introvert” becomes appropriate. This makes someone possess aspects of introversion, and other people start to refer to you as an introvert. Hence, someone may be emotionally introverted but still enjoy going out. Therefore, I intend to discuss misconceptions and stigmas about introversion.

McIntyre, Erica, Karl KK Wiener, and Anthony J. Saliba. “Compulsive Internet use and relations between social connectedness, and introversion.” Computers in Human Behavior 48 (2015): 569-574.

Introversion is a major spectrum of personality traits under the realm of expression. Thus, introverts tend to dislike social contact, enjoy moments of self-reflection, create a small circle of friends, be quiet, and be centered on self-awareness.

Clarke, Jenni. “Shout it out or keep it in.” Early Years Educator17.4 (2015): 32-34.

One of the major misconceptions about introverts is that they shy off. This is inaccurate. Shyness is when someone is uncomfortable around new people and has an issue talking or engaging them, creating tension within their minds. On the other hand, sociability is the quality of meeting new people; thus, sociable people enjoy meeting new potential friends. Less sociable individuals enjoy keeping a small circle of friends. Therefore, this doesn’t mean introverts are uncomfortable in a new individual’s presence or have a problem speaking to strangers. They just prefer to maintain a small circle of friends, and that is the difference. Someone can be shy and sociable, or you can be sociable and not shy. Sociability is the most common identifier for introversion and extroversion. For instance, someone can be an introvert yet sociable, while others might be extroverts but still maintain a small group of friends.

Also, there is a misconception that introverts are arrogant. They are seen as arrogant due to their tendencies to dislike social contacts, enjoy moments of self-reflection, create a small circle of friends, tend to be quiet, and are centered on self-awareness. This misconception is attributed to the fact that extroverts are more common than introverts, and fail to comprehend the mindset of an introvert. Thus, introverts prefer to spend a substantial amount of time alone, and they prefer this since they like to focus their energy on self-reflection and inward moments of thought. This helps them to be calm without a moment of unwanted stimulation. Introverts are social beings, but they interact with those close to them. The lower sociability associated with introversion is healthy. This allows introverts to be calm and focus their energy on the people they care about and trust.

The introverted person’s low sociability is not guided by arrogance or shyness. Thus, introverts prefer to spend a substantial amount of time alone. They do this because they like to focus their energy on self-reflection and inward moments of thought. This helps introverts be calm and focus their energy on the people they care about and trust.



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