Academic Master


Metabolism Essay

The term “Metabolism” refers to all chemical and biological reactions that play an essential role in retaining the life of the organism and cells. Metabolism has two categories; a) Catabolism is the molecules’ breakdown to attain liveliness and energy. b) Anabolism defines the production of all composites required by the cells. Metabolism is connected to nourishment and the convenience of nutrients. The metabolic path by which cells eventually get energy is Bio-energetics (Dr. Ananya Mandal 2009).

A key to metabolism is Nutrition. The energy that metabolism gets from is through the breakdown of nutrients. The body requires that energy compound the new proteins and nucleic acids (RNA, DNA), etc. Carbohydrates are supplied by the food in three forms; sugar, starch, and cellulose. Proteins that we acquire from the consumption of food are ultimate tissue builder in a body. Proteins are main that help in functions, the structure of cells, making of hemoglobin to carry oxygen in body and enzymes to carry binding reactions. Fats are also energy producers and more concerned energy producers. Fats produce energy twice than carbohydrates and proteins.Vitamins and Minerals do not directly contribute to needs of energy, but they are considered as body regulators.

Factors affecting Metabolic functions:

Individuals who desire to maintain or lose their weight, use of supplements might be miraculous solutions for them, but they do not have an idea about their outcome since they keep a hidden danger and a threat to metabolism. Appetite suppressants prescribed to the weight-losers directly affects the chemicals in the brain, which falsely make the patient feel satisfied.

Dim light also affects our metabolism (Chronobiology, A., System 2017). Light pollution is a real issue for those people, who live nearby the street lights or parking lots with lights. It is a nuisance for them because they keep them awake and cannot sleep properly. Nonetheless, It interferes with our cardiac rhythm at a lower level. The population exposed to constant light in North America have seen over the time their metabolism suffers.


Chronobiology, A., System, C., System, M., Protection, H., Health, M., & Health, W. et al. (2017). Dim Light at Night Is Dangerous to Your Metabolic Retrieved 16 February 2018, from

Dr. Ananya Mandal, M. (2009). What is Metabolism? Retrieved 16 February 2018, from



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