Academic Master


Macbeth Essay


Macbeth can still offer a lot to the current audience. The experiences of Macbeth can be instrumental in inform these audiences the past lifestyles and how people adapted to different changes in the society. Through the experiences of Macbeth, the audiences can be able to make a comparison of past life to the current life, which could eventually lead them to appreciate the various changes that have occurred over time. Shakespeare’s is still relevant up to date through his various pieces of work. Majority of Shakespeare’s work describes the lifeless of people and the manner in which societies responded to certain issues. Through the work of Shakespeare, the audience can be able to apply the life lessons documented by Shakespeare to change their lives. These lessons can help the audience to overcome various life challenges.


The climax of act three occurs at scene three when Macbeth kills Banquo with the help of the assassins. Despite killing Banquo, Macbeth and her assassins fail to murder Fleance, the son of Banquo. Macbeth’s plan had gone as planned up to this point but changes upon being informed that the son escaped. After this unfolding, Macbeth hallucinates in a feast when he sees the ghost of Banquo. The declining mental stability together with the guilty conscience led to this sudden change of events. In a bid to conceal his crimes, Macbeth ends up killing the rest of the subject to clear any possible evidence and make sure that no one can be able to accuse him of murder. It is not known if Macbeth is doing this under unstable mentality or is fully aware of his actions.


The falling action in act four occurs I scene three when Macduff and Malcolm are conversing in the palace, and Macduff is unaware of the death of his family. The two are exchanging ideas on the tyrannical rule in Scotland, which is making the country unstable. During the conversation, Rosse enters and informs Macduff about the death of his family, which leaves him infuriated. The eventually reach an agreement to bring down Macbeth and end his tyrannical rule.


At act five scene eight, the entire conflict in Macbeth resolves. A fight ensues between Macbeth and Macduff after a brief confrontation. Macbeth is seen to boast after the encounter by arguing that he fears no man born out of a woman since he is harmless. Macduff responds to Macbeth that he was untimely ripped from a woman’s womb and therefore not born out of a woman. Macduff describes Macbeth as aghast, and he is fully aware that he will face death since the prophecy by the witches has misguided Macbeth. Macduff ends up killing Macbeth, therefore, ridding the throne from a tyrant leader that had ruled with excess power. The rightful heir to the throne of Scotland finally inherits the kingdom, which restores peace and order.

Question 5

Part A

In Shakespeare’s story Macbeth, fate, and free will are two dominant literary techniques used to tell the story. The most important question that needs to be answered to develop a theme is if the fate of by free will drives the story of Macbeth. Did the events in the story occur because of the mental stability or was just bound to happen? All the events in the story are based on this question, and an answer to the question will provide the theme to the story. This question can be viewed from different perspectives owing to the different opinions held by people. Analyzing the question makes this story relevant up to date. A clear answer, however, exists to this question. Macbeth’s story is influenced by free will, which is perceived to be guidance that helps him achieve his fate.

Part B

The question provides a different outlook on the audience. Despite the varied opinions, it is evident that this is a story of fate. The two movie adaptions developed for this story supports fate. Polanski adaptation inclines on the natural world and the kind of decisions that Macbeth makes in this free world. These decisions are not influenced by any force but fate, which is beyond the control of Macbeth. Wells adaptation, on the other hand, is surrealistic and portrays the character being in pawns where he has limited no control these adaptations, therefore, help to explain that this story is fueled by fate and not free will since the actions are beyond human control.


I rate myself at four. My ability to give differing opinions on whether fate or free will fuel the story shows my level of knowledgeable in regards to Shakespeare’s work.


The above line spoken by Macbeth is an allusion as it provides an indirect reference to the equivocation of the fiend in trying to explain the disguise in lies. The statement is an allusion to that text of the people, which describes the devil as a liar and a murderer right from the beginning. The allusion reflects how devil disguises in truth but his a liar.



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