Academic Master


Lunar Phases Model Essay

According to Pallé et al. (2009), it is evident that the moon rotates at a speed of 382, 400 kilometers. According to the lunar phase, the moon takes close to 29 days going around the earth. The lunar phase also denotes the movements in all phases. The model below makes a clear analogy of the phases, and that makes it possible to get a clear understanding of the case. As outlined in the figure, it is evident that phase arises due to the different angles are taken. The one on the right is documented in most platforms. From the model shown on the left, it is apparent that the sun lit the side facing it.


The reflection made by sunlight on the surface of the moon is the main reason why we can see the same. The phase towards the earth is not lit on most occasions. The phases of the moon arise because the angle, as well as the location of the sun changes and that, becomes the main cause of the phase. The new moon arises when the moon is between the earth and the sun, and the reason why we fail to see the moon completely is that the sun is not in a position to light the moon. The illumination continues as the movement progress, and that is the main justification for the different shapes as well such as the gibbous. The second half of the lunar eclipse makes the moon thinner. The existence of the waning crescent completes the phases, and that gives rise to the new moon. Enlightening Mr. Morgan on the complete process and how the sun plays a crucial role in dictating the shape of the moon played a crucial role. The whole experience was successful and can be used for references in the field.


Pallé, E., Osorio, M. R. Z., Barrena, R., Montañés-Rodríguez, P., & Martín, E. L. (2009). Earth’s transmission spectrum from lunar eclipse observations. Nature459(7248), 814.



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